MP 38 - New skin

I was thinkin about MP38 lately, it is unique weapon to the moscow campaign and thats why im using it over MP40, though with same stats as MP40 current skin is not bad but this would look better, more silvery steel and black bakelite, what do you think ?


It doesn’t actually have the same stats. it’s a little bit worse in rof.
I myself wouldn’t mind a skin as shown in the 1st image. Not sure what the black and white mp40 image is for though.

that image of mp40 i will fix thx :))

the rof is the same on both weapons according to those “accurate” stats in menu once they are maxxed

That’s weird, could’ve sworn it shot slower. They might’ve changed it recently. Though it does have 0.1s slower reload.

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…and 200 grams more weight :smiley:

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(also still an mp40 image left, is that for reference?) You can tell mp38 vs mp40 by the magazine being perfectly flat and the top of the gun being a bit different overall on the mp38.
Forgotten weapons made a good video on these guns, might wanna check it out:

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yup my first photo is from that video of gun jesus, though ill remove the second photo completely cause it isnt correct at all :smiley:

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I will attach a screenshot later, but last time I used the MP-38 I saw some weird letters on it.
Something like XYZ93. Which looked as if the 3D artist left his nickname on the weapon.

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