MP-18 and a ''thank you'' note

Today I bought my first premium squad (after 6 months of playing lol), the MP-18 squad. I decided to do a review on this squad as it is in my opinion a ‘‘perfect and balanced premium squad’’
I also want to thank devs for introducing such a cool and fun squad without making it p2w

Mp-18 squad only costs 875 Gold, I bought this squad after passing 30 levels in the premium battle pass.
The price for this SMG is quite fair

Mp-18 has similar performance compared to stuff like Mp-28 and Mp-34.
Using this gun on medium range can be quite devastating to the enemy team, Mp-18 has less RoF than the Mp-34, resulting in less recoil. For closer range, MP-40 is still better and that’s why I love the Mp-18, it’s not OP

This gun uses the ww1 era drum magazine, despite the looks of it, this magazine holds only 32 bullets. In real life, this drum magazine was extremely hard to load but thankfully we don’t have this problem in Enlsited.

But the stick mag on other MP’s is still much better because the drum takes a lot of screen space
(I can’t upload the picture because forums are in their worst stage right now :angry:)


In conclusion, this squad is extremely fun and relaxing to use. If you like playing on medium-close range and don’t plan on wasting a lot of money, I suggest you to take a look at this squad


Premium squads where very handy when grinding up to semi autos in Normandy but now I don’t use any premium squads in my lineup just due to the more power I get from leveled uped squads

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Well I only use this squad for fun

On the side note, I didn’t know premium squad can boost XP, does that mean that by purchasing the premium account, you get +200% XP increase?

Its a example how monetisation should look like, balanced squad with exp bonus at reasonable cost.

Nice review. Might pick that squad up as a backup, I’ve only heard good things about it from friends who have it.

You have changed.

You did the very thing that you have swored to never do.

Jokes aside, great review.

I guess there’s nothing much to say about it.
I don’t personally like it.
But I’m glad that someone does

I’ve heard good things from friends who have this squad.

I’m a bit suprised by your conclusion about the Mp 18. The MP 18 in my squad has 20 horizontal and 20 vertical recoil. The vertical is inline with it’s relatives but the horizontal recoil is nearly double that of the other SMGs and is quiet noticable in game. It’s the only SMG I’ve played out of both campaigns which is nearly uncontrolable. You can counteract the vertical recoil but the unpredictable horizontal recoil leads to a pattern where the first shot is on the target, the second is left to it, the third above and the fourth ends on the right side. Any other SMG and I would’ve used that squad more than four matches but the MP 18 makes this squas wasted money for me.

I didn’t experience any problems with accuracy, maybe it was buffed?

anyways, I didn’t have the opportunity to test it on the D-day map because the D-day map is the only true open map in enlisted

When I test it on that map, I will come here

Ok, I just used the Mp-18 on D-day and here are the results:

When the enemy is too far away, I used the ‘‘2-shot burst’’ method. I killed a whole bunch of enemies and found my self on the top of the score board. Later I thought that I get kills because my Mp-18 is maxed out but I also have maxed out MP-40 and MP-34 who both deal 6.8 damage just like Mp-18 does.

So I don’t see any recoil problems when using the ‘‘2-shot burst’’ method

Could you take a look at the stats of the gun if the recoil is 20/20 for you, too? Maybe it’s because I’ve bought the pack right on the first day of OBT and it’s some kind of legacy version?
On everything above 10-15m If the first shot goes to the chest, already the second willmiss to the left or to the right. Kneeling down brings the recoil roughly to the level of the MP 34…

so I’ve taken a look and recoil is indeed 20/20

But compared to other Germans SMG’s, most German SMG’s have higher vertical recoil than the horizontal recoil while MP-18 is a bit balanced between these 2 types of recoil.

But the main reason why MP-18 felt good in my hands is because low RoF negates this fairly high recoil.

Although you could be right because I play enlisted since closed alpha and already learned how to control the recoil so that might be the reason why I have no problems with this gun

Vertical recoil is easy to control, horizontal recoil is controlable if it’s predictable but in thi s case you even don’t know if the secon shot goes to the left or to the right :confused:
The Sten gun is with 18/18 another one wit equally vertical and horizontal recoil. Sadly I’ not lvl 22 yet with the US and can’t comprare them. But no matter what the MP18 can
t do anything which another german SMG can’t do better. Low fire rateand easy to conrol ? The FNAB has a low rate of fire, too additionally a very predictable and mild recoil and as a bonus 40 beans in the magazine. The MP 34 is literally the child of the Mp18 and pretty much the same gun just with less horizontal recoil.
Did some rounds with the Mp18 today and with single taps or 2 shot bursts you cna make kills, yes. But with every other SMG it would’v been simpler…well maybe the beretta is on the same level if the enemie isn’t close.