Move all 10-shot BR 4 Semi-auto Rifles to BR 3

So make it worse way br5 sf are bullying br4 I don’t want to just bully sa br3 let me bully br. 2 and one,b also I thought it was a skill issue so gut good

When talking about Semi balance we should mostly differentiate between:

high damage (one hit down)
low damage (two hitdown)
high capacity (10+)
Low capacity (10-)
high accuracy (rilfe precision)
low accuracy (SMG,AR accuracy)
fast reload speed (magazine reload)
slow reload speed (clip reload)
terrible reload speed (multiple clip or rounds reload)

When considering all this, one might find out that G43 for example has a very fast reload speed, good damage and a medium capacity.
M1 Garand is comparable - but needs longer to reload AND has two less rounds in the mag.
If we now look at SVT 40 we will find it very comparable to G43.

So IF M1 Garand, SVT40 and G43 all get set to BR3, I think M1 Garand would be a bit in a disadvantage, which is why I think to make M1 special here, a damage buff could make sense considering that the 30-06 round is bigger than both 8mm Mauser and 7.62 Mosin.

All that being said, I think the biggest argument to even do this change is that the performance jump from BR4 to BR5 rifles is just as steep as BR1 rifles to BR4 rifles.

A BR1 bolt action can much easier compete with BR4 semis than a BR4 semi with a BR5 AR or Selectfire.

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It depends, Armaguerra downs in one shot, reloads okay fast enough and as such can compete with rifles while also being good in close range, while M1 Carbine is too inaccurate and deals too little damage to be a reliable rifle rival, so its mostly used as a closer range weak SMG.

Which br4 sa take two shots, my experience is one shot downs unless it’s in the arm or they have perks, two with ten shots it’s easier to get two hits with a sa then one with a ba, second what about sa br2 3 having more ammo is a straight upgrade Having a bigger magazine is a straight upgrade, 90 to 350 is an upgrade, not having to cycle a bolt a require target is an upgrade

Arms do not have a damage modification.

Damage dealt to arms is 100% because it is part of the body.

All of them.


SA rifles generally have to fire twice at a target to guarantee a kill, in fact, double tapping is the standard practice.

And while yes, SA rifles > BA rifles, that’s literally what the battle rating delineation is for. And once again- We already have a precedent given that we already have 10-shot SA rifles in BR 3.


One are those br3 sa tech tree or other
Two how are they loaded two five clip strips or one ten shot magazine
1 how fast can I shoot 2 how many shits to down 3 how fast from an empty tp a full gun lets pretend bad and sa are equal having a bigger mag is an advantage asost pc death are while reloading, at least in gub duels, so you are telling me a sa 6 shot magazine is equal to a ten shot sa magazine gun but a twenty shot sf is far superior or that a five shot ba is equal to a ten shot sa . Ok you need help

No. You’re comparing a BR 2 gun to a BR 3 gun.

I’m at my limit of tolerating the defects of your lingual ability to make a coherent argument.

I’m on a tablet it’s not lingual it’s tiny buttons not having a key board. I am comparing the weapons it would seem there are two main blocks br1 2 3 and br 3 4 5 putting a gun in br3;ran fighting every br. While it’s fine for it to avoid br5 sf let’s ilit fight br1:2 bolt action and br2 semi autos is a no it’s too powerful also are those br 3 sa tech tree or other are the loaded with 5 bullet stripper clips or 10:shot magazines and are the br4 sa loaded with stripper clips or magazines. No a br1 ba is not closer to a br4 sa than a br4 sa is to a br5 sf

Let’s just heading towards ±0BR

hell, anything beat Gewehr 41

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The same way they survive Gewehr 41

I agree. Move all semi autos with less than 20 rounds in the magazine to BR 3. Moving the G43 would also make it balanced with the Russians who have the SVT 38 at BR 3


This GIFs | Tenor

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And this is why most people hate the soft rule and have been complaining about if for as long as I have been coming to the forum, but Dark Force, apparently knows better then the people who are paying and playing the game. Such a huge disconnect between DF and it’s players IMOP. Level three and level four weapons are fairly similar, but none of them are similar to level five weapons. For me, I simply refuse to be punked two levels by their damn soft rule, so when I see it, I desert as I don’t find using my M1 Garand against every level five turbo charged weapon very enjoyable, that is what I have my level five Allies for. :roll_eyes:

but br2 fighting br3 is bad enough br2 fighting br4 rifles is just broken if we had br-+ zero it would be fine
you can be like br4 vs br5 broken br4 rifle vs br2 no that works

Once again, the performance gap between BR 3 SA rifles isn’t that big compared to BR 4 10-shot SA rifles.

At this BR, the majority of work will still be done by automatic weapons, which are not included with the proposed BR change.

again if br4 sa rifles are moved to br3 they will fight ba br2 rifles and sa br2 rifles
while the difference between sa br3 and br4 might not be that great the difference between br2 sa and ba rifles is
lets say br2 rifles are 100 and br3 are 125 and br4 are 150
bingo bongo the difference between 3 and 4 is not that great but between 2 and the new 3/4 is

read my lips a br2 rifle is far inferior to a br4 rifle it is
you either have a twice the magazine or be four times the rate of fire
if we had br +0-0 all good but no you are cracked if you are saying a 10 shot semi auto is not far better than a five or six shot

the formula is simple
br3 sa - br2 sa or ba = just strong enough
br4 sa - br2 sa ba = too much
if br4 are stronger then br3
br3 are stronger than br2 then
br4 are have even more of an advantage then br3 over br2
would you want to fight a level 8 tank in a level 4 in world of tanks or warship

the only way it works is if there is no difference between br3 sa and br4

(List the br they should be able to fight)
(4/3) means they should fight br4 and 3
Type 4 (4/3) (Ten shot SA)
ZH-29 (4/3) GR-43 (4/3) (Ten shot SA)
SVT 40 (4/3/) Johnson 1941(4/3) (Ten shot SA)
all have ten bullets either magazine or two stripper clips reloaded so fast as to make little difference, or giving and edge as they can do a half mag reload instead of individual bullets
Otsu (2/1) (Five shot SA)
GR-41 (4/3/2) (Ten shot SA)
vg 1-5 (4/3/) (Twenty shot SA)
SVT- 38 (4/3/) (Ten shot SA)
M1 Garand (4/3/)(eight shot SA)
Armaguerra 39 (6 shot SA)
Hei (2/1) (Five shot SA) VG2 (2/1)
Carcau m1898 (3/2/1) (6 SHOT BA)
Pre war kar 98k (3/2/1) (6 SHOT BA)
Winchester m1895 (3/2/1) (la 5 shot)
Mosin 91/30 (3/2/1) (ba 5 shot)
Mosin m44 (3/2/1) (ba 5 shot)
SMLE 3 (3/2/1)(ba 10 shot)
Lee Enfield (3/2/1)(ba 10 shot)
Ross mk 3 (3/2/1) (ba 5 shot)
Enfield m1917 (3/2/1) (ba 6 shot)

if br4 sa rifles are to be moved to br3 at the very least ba rifles with under ten shots need to be moved to br1. br2/3 semi auto with 5 shots need to be offered a moderate buff. br2 ba rifles with ten shots might need a minor buff. what kind of buff would be needed who knows an accuracy or range buff perhaps.

stripper fed br4 rifles have more argument to be moved to br3 then magazine fed. magazine fed able to be reloaded in a single motion. while stripper fed take longer this can both be an advantage and a drawback.

ba rifles with ten bullet magazines are better able to compete with br3 sa and stripper fed br4 sa. but as you can see a ten shot sa magazine against a ba 5 shot is no go.


We already have a precedent called the Type 38 Rifle with a 70+ rpm sitting at BR 1.

That would require the SVT-38 to be moved to BR 4, or forced to reload via stripper clip..