More winter cosmetics

noticed a staggering lack of winter cosmetics for Italians, British and American. But I’ve done research to find real photo examples of winter uniforms used by US and British and Italians

The Italian M37 and M40 trench coat imageimage
The Italians didn’t got many variations of uniforms but higher ranking members like marshals which would’ve worn a more bluer version

And ones with put trench coats would’ve worn an undershirt that’s a sweater image

A photo a group of Italians with all three winter outfits image
The Germans had parka

These parkas was in any camo Germany made too but those where for “elite” units the average German would’ve had a trench coat or green parka

White winter over coat

They where pretty common but not so common
British the British had winter vest during the winter and also winter camo with trench coats emphasis on the British winter stuff imageimageimage
And a leather vest during the winter image