More Thompson guns

i was looking for some gold order guns for brits
ive recently found few variations of Thompson Semi auto rifle that was developed along with Thompson SMG

This rifle was prototype either with 30-06 and 5 round mag, british .303 with 10 round mag
or as an LMG with full auto and 20 round mag of 30-06 caliber

this would be for gold order

historically gun never passed to field troop trials and wasnt adopted, had problem of passing endurance test (after 1000 rounds or so the bolt broke) was ejecting empty cases at such a high pressures and to such heights that ammo had to be lubed by oil which made it expensive and complicated , rifle was too long, heavy, complicated to disassemble, poorly balanced

but it looks nice as one time piece

the lmg version might be ok for brits in tunis as an gold order lmg since all new gold order guns are also lmg

even 10 round version semi auto rifle made by BSA under licence of Auto Ordnance would be nice but … since brits already have acces to pedersen rifle, another semi auto rifle with 10 rounds and 30-06 caliber again might not be so appealing, anyway guns looks cool imo what yo think ?


Martini-Henry (like an analogue of berdan)
Rieder automatic rifle

And a lot of stuff they could add.

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