More than 10 squad

Sorry I didnt know I wasnt supposed to that



Try big action

I think it’s a cool mod but I have some nitpicks and reservations with it. I think it can be a bit convoluted but some elements I think should be implemented into the base game.

I don’t agree with those like GreyParrot who say it should be ported into the base game.

I overall prefer a somewhat vanilla experience just in a larger scale

I would like to try base game

  • 15 players (for starters)
  • 3 tanks 1 light tank slot, 2 universal slots (only 1 heavy at any one time)
  • play area increased to compensate
  • bigger and slower capping objective points

I personally don’t want any sort of limiters. I view all that matters is the vehicle slot is doing his job no matter what he is. Whether he’s an AA, Heavy, or even light

I find vehicles are balanced in that the enemy seeks and destroys them

You like variety though? Unless im thinking of someone else,

This ensures variety instead of 3 tigers or kv1s :slight_smile:

Bit more interesting battlefield and reason to pick other things less common

I dont mean in your deck, i mean what your team can field at any point in time. Like how you can only have 1 fighter plane and 1 attacker currently

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I do like variety, but perhaps my personal philosophy is a little particular. For example, I like how during a match you see various vehicles cycled through and at different intervals. If vehicle classes were set in stone then I’d say oh here comes the insert 3 Medium tanks.

I think it’s because we have such few vehicle slots that I like variety. In one match I can recall as follows
Panzer, Panzer
Puma, Panzer
Tiger, Puma
Tiger, Panther
Panther, Panzer
Puma, Puma

It’s a little hard to explain but my overall mentality is “whatever vehicles may come”. I like the randomness in a way

If say we had a giant map with 10 slots maybe we end up with 5 mediums, 1 light, 4 heavies; or maybe 8 heavies and 2 AA, or 5 lights, 2 mediums, 1 heavy, 2 tank destroyers. And keep in mind how it continues to evolve throughout a match as vehicles are spawned and destroyed

And as I say vehicles are balanced because the enemy seeks and destroys them (duh). Infantry, Engineer AT guns (if more people built them), planes, and your tanks. Enemy spawns this, go out and destroy it

I think you would like what suggested then. Post merge with BR you will mostly see 2 of the same thing everytime, whatever is strongest at that br

With the 1 light 2 universal, you can bet you will see 1 heavy (whatever is strongest), 1 light, and either another light or medium. Or maybe no heavy and 2 mediums…or 3 lights etc etc

Will see vehicles that otherwise might not have been picked

But anyway. Doesnt matter :slight_smile:

cas spam is too much with just 2 tank slots
we need limitation for not just for light vehicles but also for current vehicles.
vehicle cycling in normandy is th proof that how cancerous this could turn out

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lol why? There is no point of separating them by the vehicle type they belong to. You should separate them base on the armament they use.

for example for the Russian nation I would be forced to use 2 tanks and would have to leave out a third tank like the Flamiere one, in Stalingrad the same goes for planes there are also many premium teams and teams unlocked through events such as the paratroopers and for this reason, given the unification of the campaigns, more than 10 teams are urgent, at least 15 would be sufficient then each individual player decides but for those like me who have spent time and money on this video game for almost 3 years now to personalize and refine each team it would have a sense, otherwise it’s a joke, why did I spend all the time finishing the campaigns??? while this way you can be satisfied by putting in a bit of everything

I’m trying to understand what you are saying here. Do you mean increase the number of Squad you bring into the battle? The amount of players in said battle? Or how many friends you can play with in a group?

I mean the number of slots to bring into battle the maximum is now 10 at least 15 teams to be able to have a bit of everything from the other campaigns available otherwise with the merger many teams will no longer be used

I will be honest with you here. I don’t know how useful of a suggestion this will be to the devs.

For starters 10 Squads is a lot already (and I average using about half of that) and more seems a bit redundant? I don’t know anyone who has ever used all 10 Squad Slots consistently and frequently every game; and I’ve played with quite a big amount of players here.

The second thing is that even if this is wanted; there isn’t very much support for it. I won’t have a problem sending this suggestion if many people express it. So if you can get that support for it, then hey there is something that can be worked here. But for right now it’s probably not going to happen.

Q: Will there be some way to take more premium squads into battle since many people will have more of these squads than they can use after the merge (especially for Germany)?

A. We recently decided that premium squad owners will be able to count on an extra slot - specifically for premium squads. This will allow them to take their favorites into battles, even if all slots are filled with their regular army line-up. Although the feature is in the works, we’re not sure if we’ll have time to introduce it directly with the major update. It may appear later.

And remember you’ll be able to use squad presets to switch between different squad setups.


sorry for the English I use the translator I hope you understand what I mean, I know that 10 teams are a lot ok, but with the merging of the campaigns I will find myself selecting 10 more powerful teams from the various campaigns and this will ensure that many teams will come cut out an example I can give: Germans = 10 slots I would like to put the Tiger 1, the Tiger 2 and the Flamiere tank from Stalingrad plus I would like to be able to put the FW 190 and the Ju 188 from Berlin and Normandy in a few words because of the merger I will have to choose only certain teams and not being able to include others, I don’t know if I made myself clear, obviously anyone who wanted to do as I said would have to buy slots I think it’s feasible why not

this is already interesting 10 slots + 1 for premium

My only objection is that f2p players have 4 slots, 3 for infantry and 1 for vehicle which doesn’t leave much room for back up squads or simply fun squads (non-meta equipment) so more squad slots could be horribly unfair against f2p players.
We don’t even know how much a new squad slot will cost after the merge and Im afriad that it will be at least twice as expensive.

will they adapt or expand slots I don’t want to leave my squads behind I want the tiger 1 tiger 2 stalingrad light tank fw 190 ju 188 snipers mortars not to mention the “medics” class there are too many squads that I have completed and I don’t want to lose them every battle he has his team to use and I want to have them on hand what did I end up doing if I can’t fit them anymore??? now there are even paratroopers what do you do with 4 slots??? embarrassing in my opinion at least 3 planes 3 tanks divided by light and heavy tanks the motorbike is also from Tunisia man too many teams left out it’s not fair if a player wants to have them he pays and it’s right that he has them in my opinion

German: put 6 32cm rockets on a halftrack