More realistic vehicle tracks


way back when ground forces released in war thunder vehicles had alot more traction and power. Could climb to alot of places…got nerfed heavily and is sooo…boring now.

Would love enlisted to do away with that.

Many others used to have them
Would be cool just to bring them all back


Change the German tech tree half track with Opel Blitz with camouflage
images (17)
images (16)


Yeah, it’s weird that the Allies and Soviets (and Japs I think) have a troop truck, but the Axis are stuck with a half-track, when really they too, had troop trucks.

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You need to fix your auto corrector.


Nah, his wakandian english is flawless.


Very nice!

wasnt that w40k orkish?

Why is so much of the good looking customization not available for purchase? The only reason I can see why you would limit access to customization is if those items are already in a premium/event squad.

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And Luftwaffe collars for German paratroopers (instead of the infantry ones)

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It is absolutely their fault. This piece of customization was already present in game. In one of the updates they completely messed it up. It just requires a simple fix in coding as shown by Erika in the forum. But they don’t bother to fix it even after 6 months. Lol.

Wonder when can you improve terrain adaptability for track. It is a hard bar of iron right now. It does not deform, so a small stone will warp your entire vehicle. It is pain in the ass when drive through potholed terrain.


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