More Interesting Axis weapons

now that’s very ironic tbh

So it will be the four hundred and fifty-eighth game that is and will remain in World War II. You are not right that it is a game from the Second World War, there are also weapons from the First World War in the game and I don’t see a problem in the fact that there are also post-war weapons.

WW2 isnt even done by 50% so it doesnt make sense to reach for the future now.

Well. Excluding some funny candidates, most of them were also used in WW2.

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Can’t wait to get murdered in a single hit by HEATFS of M41 vs my KT. Haven’t we suffered through this enough in War Thunder? You can’t mix WW2 with later wars and you can’t mix the armies to fight against each other it’s stupid.


Well, of course, it will be very good in the bookmarks. Or put it in a tree and it will be a grindfest like war thunder. Where do you want to put the World War II stuff?

Your nazi bunker doesn’t give American tanks a shot now? If we want to stay in WWII and not add prototypes, the game is impossible to balance. It would be possible to balance it only if there was a numerical superiority of the allies in the game. 50,000 Sherman tanks were produced, 1,300 Tiger tanks 500 Tiger 2 tanks.

If you dont want to play a WW2 game, why dont you just…


That’s what I did. I only play through events, when the event is over I’ll go play something else. It’s just a shame when the game kills its potential.

A great loss.

