More Female Soldiers

This weekend is International Women’s Day.
So I would like to make this suggestion: how about more female soldiers? Let’s discuss ideas for female soldiers who might be able to participate in this game.
Yes, I know that few women soldiers served on the front lines in WWII, with the exception of the Soviet Union… And this game adds female soldiers in a way that is comfortable. But I believe we can add a few more women in a way that is historically accurate and does not destroy the gender ratio. For example, how about Gold Order getting one female USSR sniper?
I know that the Soviets had many impressive female snipers.
Or add a partisan unit that includes about 4 women in a paid premier squad.
I think the German “Wehrmachthelferinnenkorps” and the British Women’s Auxiliary Air Force could also be included as premier squads.
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First we should get more hair colours and styles. I would like all of my soldiers to have electric blue punk rocker mohawk haircuts.

Also the historical uniforms are so lame. I think they should also be fixed with more priority.

We need clown, fireman, sexy nurse, slutty priest, gorilla, pope, cowboy, construction worker and native american uniform choices first.


Wait, I have seen that game somewhere.

NO! go and play BFV. bye


I’m going to dress up as a slutty Sturmgeschütz III for Halloween.


More boobies, yes

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Oh, I’m Sorry, I Thought This Was America

You are acting like soviet female soldier is something historically inaccurate, lol. Female soldiers in soviet union weren’t even a rare things.

They should definitely add soviet female sniper squad.


Wait, haven’t you been opposed to historical accuracy the whole time? Why is this a valid argument all of a sudden?

I didn’t say shit about soviet female soldiers btw, was just making some extremely valid and important fashion commentary. :upside_down_face:

I think that with less restricted uniforms, the game might not die and have more players.


Yeah,I am convinced that a female Soviet sniper will be added.
roza shanina


Frankly, I would quite like to have a costume that can transform me into a gorilla.

I was opposing to losers who prefer game full of bots instead of healthy gameplay. :man_shrugging:

By advocating for historical accuracy, you must therefore be a loser who prefer game full of bots instead of healthy gameplay.

Why do you hate the enlisted community? :cry:


I believe the resistance can participate in the Italian and French maps.


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Dude just go. We dont want this shit in this game. Go to bfv and don’t suggest to ruin this game too.


Jokes on you


It is true that women participated in that war, if not as much as men. If we limit ourselves to premier squads and gold orders, we can add these women to the ideal male/female ratio.



Not even rare…


Historical facts, how dare you /greta.

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That’s drop chance for common items at best :man_shrugging: Yep, not rare.

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