Applying decals is fun.
But I need more decals.
I especially like pinup girls, and I know that’s an inherent part of American culture, but I’d like to see the same for German and Soviet aircraft. For some reason I can put an American pinup girl on a German plane in Stalingrad. So I enjoy painting “her” on my favorite Stuka, but the text is in English, so it’s kind of weird.
I want to get a pinup girl for Germany.
I’m thinking of a design like this, a German female officer or a girl in national dress holding a beer…
Could some of the great artists at Darkflow make a decal that looks like this?
For the Soviet Union…something like this? I don’t know…
In Japan…never mind.
Anyway, what kind of decals do you guys want?
And while you’re at it, please show us your favorite aircraft with your decals on it.
Oh, and.
For some reason I can’t put pinup girls on US aircraft in the Pacific, Darkflow please fix it fast!
I want to put pinup girls on my Avenger now!
yo i like that german and russian girl
I am most definitely NOT going to spend gold on decals, as long as an owned decal is only only available in limited amounts.
I’m normally a shark mouths enjoyer with my planes, but no way in the world I’m going to purchase them separately for any single one of them.
Got to look cool while flying!!!
SexyTent being horny day 146392
Btw why did you use the yellow Y on all your planes?
And what’s the del with the last one? I thought combining red star and swastika will cause a singularity to apear.
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its the mark I’ve adopted for myself. Everything I fly/drive has it.
friend or foe…hmmmmm
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Wow! This is really cool!
It looks WT, but well, OK.
If you see this plane in the sky, you will know that the other guy is not just a guy.
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yeah I Cheated…it is…just waiting for my decals to port over so I can mark my gear
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I spot Canada behind V1 pinup girl.
I don’t understand why but I approve of this.
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Perhaps she is on a flight to Canada.
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Many decals that are free in War Thunder or can be unlocked through achievements cost money in this game.
so stupid
This isn’t all of them but these are my better looking ones in my opinion
Yes, let us upload our own pictures for Pinups. People will be buying premium and gold in the masses.