More country-specific throwable explosive packs

Minor suggestion about throwable dynamite

I feel that throwing dynamite to destroy a tank is a little bit awkward while most of factions in game have some kind of bigger throwable explosive that could easily replace existing TNT.
Seeing that developers are putting some efforts lately to implement new types of grenades or making more nation-specific grenades in game I would like to suggest implementation of nation-specific TNT substitutes to the game.

In my suggestion I’ve chosen those explosives that are as much similar to the TNT as possible so for example I choose demolition charges over simple anti-tank grenades if existed because some players(myself) use them to destroy obstacles like player-built structures or walls and it would awkward using hollow charge grenades to destroy sandbags (as far as i know)

Changes those would be mostly cosmetic.

For example:

  • Germans could use M24 grenades bundle
  • USA and British - M37 Demolition Kit in a messenger bag - satchel charge (found information that British also used satchels or they could use Hawkins grenade- if someone have something better in mind write it here).
    For Allies in Pacific Hagensen Pack.
  • soviet union could use RGD - 40 grenade (or novitsky-Fyodorov grenade from ww1 - not sure if used in ww2/or Finnish [kasapano] m41 satchel on a stick)
  • Japanese could use Navy Senko Kagu cratering charge (not much info about using similar explosives)
  • Italians had improvised Passaglia Grenade or manufacutred Type L Grenade - the problem is both have impact detonator and I couldnt find more different charges; also I found ACNA demolition block but i think those served more as placed TNT Charge - its a game, i know devs can figure something out!!!

If you have better idea what to use instead of suggested here please share your opion.

I just found that there are already existing topics in the forum but in my suggestion difference is I wanted to maintain role of demolition charges and not throwing panzerknacker shaped explosives at barbed wire


Grenade bundle for germans:

M37 Demolition Kit:

Hawkins grenade:


Hagensen Pack - it has different (composition c-2) filling than M37 - TNT, and not that strict defined shape, sometimes in block sometimes in satchel:

Japanese Navy Senko Kagu charges - source is US report about japanese demolition methods:

soviet explosives

novitsky - fyodorov Grenade - ugly AF - pretty sure in russian sources there is more info

Finnish roblox satchel charge:

Passaglia Grenade:

Type L Grenade:


Sticky bomb :grinning:

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I freakign hate the current TNT bundle explosive packs, there totally over modeled tank killing fiction.

I would really prefer they used actual explosives in game, but basically all the ones you listed above were historically more or less useless against tanks.

Not that I think we need more tank killing capacity in game especially for the infantry, each section can now have an AT guy with an actual AT weapon that should be imo sufficient.

I can see the Above mentioned devices (and the TNT bundles) being able to track a tank but not kill it.

The same goes for the ATM’s they should not really kill tanks but track them, despite the name, Anti Tank Mine, historically they almost never actually killed tank, but rather tracked them.


yeah but i didnt want to analize anti-tank effectiveness historically (cause if we start doing this we could conclude that existing explosive pack due to amount of TNT in it should do a x times bigger boom than now) actually the explosive pack works just fine now - only thing i would change is distance that pack can be thrown
just wanted to keep more or less current effect but change them to be visually distinctive

I like the idea of making them visually distinctive, I just really don’t care for the silly nature of their effects currently.

I would prefer that they be limited to tracking or damaging a tank, and that actual AT kit be able to kill tanks.

Bazook’s, PIATS’ PF, exc

Very agreed. Many old gamers can approve, outside of safe zone tank is bunch of easy frags now cuz of mad effectiveness of explosives so tanks literally can’t play as tanks

While most if not all are good it will have to change throwing animations and maybe how well the bundles are thrown. The bunches of M24 grenades are very top heavy and hard to throw. If I recall correctly then the bundle of M24 only blows up tanks when thrown under.
And satchel charges are probably not easy to throw as far as other grenades.
Like the idea but think there will be balancing.

im not sure if there is actually any difference between grenades and explosion packs in the game in term of distance, but yeah i would keep actual explosion pack effect but decrease range maybe depending of weight to be more realistic but not drastically to avoid situations that germans can throw twice as far as others and vice versa

balancing by the trade-offs would be good so let say allies in normandy have less range throwing their satchel but its easier for them to destroy a tank - IMO its good but not sure if everybody would like this idea

anyway its a game so developers could just implement those explosives with equal parameters, we do not have to be that hard-headed here

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While I do like the idea of making them visually different, I think they will need to be reworked for gameplay balance reasons first. By this I mean that they really have little to no actual use. The only uses are really to breach wall on Normandy beach or walk up, place on tank, and detonate. Suggested ideas that I think would really benefit would be:

  • Using to clear player built fortifications (they would need to remove the ability to simply “deconstruct” structures to actually promote usage of thrown and placed explosives)
  • Being able to place the trigger for the mine versions of the TNT (probably by using the alt-fire button while holding trigger/ detonator) this way it can be set up ahead of time and used when it needs to be, without having to babysit the guy(s) with the specific trigger(s) for that placed mine(s).

After that, then I think your idea to change up the visuals is a great idea.

I would add in the German, Italian, and Soviet ones while leaving the current one for Americans and Brits.