More cosmetic choices

Can we expand the cosmetics for other factions like German camos (which they have a lot of) or the Italians with their camos and other cosmetic options like hats which it much more weird we don’t have certain models

German camos

Italian camo (I kinda struggled to find a multi camo sheet)

HBT cap (American)

With ppl that’s wearing it this was issued in 1941
German Italian
Italian officers cap

Italian/german normal caps but with their flaps down

Italian M1942 (flap down this a tropical hat btw)

German M43 field cap (flaps down)

Soviet Officer hat (they’re not blue those are NKVD hats)

The Russian hats where first issued in 1938 yet we do not get these but NKVD which where mostly rear echelon troops too enforce the no retreat order and turn back soldiers that got lost and other things they got into battles too but not often
Fallow up


The Soviet caps were added to the game, but they accidentally changed all the NKVD caps to the tan ones unintentionally and then reverted it. They’ve yet to add them back in since.


Completely agreed. But first of all they should return all the lost customization items which they accidentally deleted from the game. We have highlighted all these issues time and again. They have all been ‘acknowledged’ and yet we are here without a fix even after 7 months. Lol.


I second adding more customizations, but I think locking a squad to a certain type of customization just because of the squads nationality is foolish. My American soldiers, wear British uniforms. The least they can do is fix the customization bugs and return lost items to those who lost them, and allow a soldier to wear uniforms from all factions and sub factions they belong to.

All American and British soldiers would have access to each other’s uniforms, only changing based on campaign.

Same thing with German and Italian.

As for Soviets and Japan, they’re out of luck because they stand on their own currently.


Well, that would be harder though.

Because it would means having to add to 130 + squads additional cosmetics

The way it currently works, customization presets are based on squads. Not campaigns.

Therefore. If you want to add a single hat, you’d have to add said hat to each and singular squads across all presets.

So, locking cosmetics to specific squads would make sense.

If it wasn’t for the fact that…. They them selves broke the rule by giving for example, the paratrooper set both for the British and Americans to all American and British squads.

Don’t get me wrong, I do think it’s cool and should be that way.

But it’s becoming unsustainable.
Because you then have the snowball effect of everyone wanting everything on all squads.

Which unfortunately would require a lot of time to wait before anything gets done regarding cosmetics.

And as I have been told, they don’t have time nor… something important to fix it and rework.

So… the only thing to do, is posting a singular cosmetic and hope that the devs might consider it to introduce if licked by the community.

Which it’s next to impossible since people don’t really care about a single cosmetic, nor everyone agrees on being that specific one instead of another.

A situation that really sucks if you ask me.

anyway, as for op, camouflage ( like it shouldn’t have been sent )

was forwarded a while ago and in theory, passed to developers.

now we’ll have to wait, and if we are lucky, in a couple of years some of them might be implemented:

for visual, i suggest looking to the first message.

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Also we have the normal officer cap and HBT hat in files yet they yet to see the light of day

Also the other camos where used like the second German camo sheet BUT only to ppl with para get ups like th FG-42 para squad Horn Stg squad

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They should also add the HBT light sage green uniform, worn by mostly Marines for most of the war in the Pacific.





I think we get that already

Oh no… weird

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Which ones are they?

Have you read the full comment?

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Yes, I did, but I misinterpreted—my mistake.


It’s really been 7 damn months. We have been asking for 7 months. Wow. Time flies.


Yeah. I think it might have been more than that now that I think about it. Somehow I liked the phrasing ‘It’s been 7 months!’ Lol. :joy: