it only says it was captured incomplete, not that it was incomplete. there are pictures in german archives in its complete form.
vs how allies “completed” it.
it only says it was captured incomplete, not that it was incomplete. there are pictures in german archives in its complete form.
vs how allies “completed” it.
The first prototype T30 tank was completed in March 1945 and received the registration number USA 30162842. It was sent to the Aberdeen Proving Grounds at the end of March.
T29 has its dubious “one and a half shortly afterward”
T32 is also dubious with the only thing I can quickly find while at work is designed 1945, produced 1945–1946, no. built 4. Also “after the war ended, project was canceled.” So one may have been completed before September much like the T29, but who knows without looking further than I am able to at the moment
T34 is post war and is 1947
Ah yes the “we found pics in a Nazi bunker” argument. Tell you what, I found pics of the M4 Browning in Area 51. It has double the fire rate of the M2 and the ammunition it shoots has quadruple the armor penetration. How? Mormon space magic. That’s how
September 2, 1945
On September 2, 1945, Japanese representatives signed the official Instrument of Surrender, prepared by the War Department and approved by President Harry S.
29-30 if true i would give the thumbs up
32-34 thumbs down
yes i know Rome in truth had it reverse and a famous painting got it wrong
US tank variety is decent in all BRs except for BR3 which is basically just shermans.
US should get some Cromwell tanks on BR3, otherwise, they only need the Superpershing.
read my posts for show how many we can get
Yep! That’s what I genuinely want. Built, functional prototypes before September 2nd. Unfortunately, seems DF is willing to add stuff that breaks this a bit, so I’m willing to expose the slippery slope things like the Ho make the potential future additions to the game by making outrageous posts like this
Lol the Flak37/41 is not the same gun as Flak 37.
I fricking love why we built that
“The Germans have one giant anti tank fortification”
“Really? An anti tank fortification?”
“Yes! There’s no way to get our tanks through it. It’s gonna stop us dead in our tracks”
“Hold my beer”
Designs anti anti tank fortification tank to bust through one of the super fortified roads
Meanwhile, some grunts on the frontline: bulldozes dirt over the dragons teeth with a Sherman