Pfft “pixel aiming” sure buddy. Sure. Definitely isn’t the definition of point and click
hey KTH then isnt a problem now cause you can just kill it if you shoot at cupola with any 76w. idk why allies mains are complaining. we should just remove pershing then cause 76w are just enough to deal with it…
Pfft bullcrap you can’t cupola a Tiger II
wanna bet? 20$ that i can pen it with regular 76w (not even british APDS)
first japs, americans, soviets can wait, hell even germans can wait
Absolutly nonsene that Tiger H (kwk 36) got bether pen than 88-Flak 37
Quote Wikipedia:
Due to its high penetrating power, the 8.8 cm anti-aircraft gun was also selected in a slightly modified form as the 8.8 cm KwK 36 (L/56) combat car cannon as armament for the Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger, of which 1,350 examples were built. For this purpose, the weapon was converted to electrical ignition and equipped with a muzzle brake.
Despite the appearance of the 8.8 cm Flak 41 (a completely new development with 74 caliber lengths), the older versions continued to be built until the end of the war. With the Flak 37/41 an attempt was made to match the performance of the earlier 8.8 cm Flak to that of the Flak 41. For this purpose, the guns were given longer barrels with a muzzle brake as well as a fuze setting machine and loading device from the Flak 41. However, this was an emergency measure and only a few examples were built.
they are not using same shells. you can see that from explosive mass.
Enlisted requires a physical prototype/ mockup
not a list of suggested/recommended stats, procurement order, blueprint, artists rendering,
if you can’t touch it, hold it, sit inside it doesn’t count,
sorry i am using your statement to talk to
unclaimed saying a tank must have a prototype/mockup before Japan surrenders
then listing all the things that do not count
In WT the tiger has access to the exact same APHE shell as the one the Flakbus uses.
So it isnt a case of worse gun just worse performing ammo but with more filler.
You just got handed BR V on a nonexistent platter. Let the Allies have a time in the spotlight just a little bit longer
compare american, soviet and then german, now look jap, shut up thank you, japs deserve MORE love from devs than other faction right now, we are in lack of content as event, premiun and tech tree stuff, no, you have enough with the damn stinger and shut up
cough Condors and Ho-Ri cough
This is literally my entire point dude
Also “shortly after WWII a completed and partially completed prototype” sounds to me like one was completed earlier and one was partially completed whenever “shortly after” is. That one may have been completed before September. Who knows? Prototypes take forever to build sometimes
Nah I still want my Super Pershing, and I’d be over the moon if they added the M26 T99
brrr only if we can have the other stuff we are lacking
the trouble is there is not much there outside the Airforce
Conders not Condors
Ho-ri 2
also check that cough its either causing blindness or near sidedness
one was partially completed whenever “shortly after” is. i won by an inch or a mile it does not matter
by a day or ten year too late is too late
You lack stuff because it doesn’t exist. Japan put almost all of its focus into the navy and naval aviation. The IJA got scraps. Sure, there are a couple tanks that DF hasn’t added yet or made Preemie when it probably should’ve been TT. Other than that, what more actually exists to add to the Japanese tree? More captured Chinese (western) equipment? More German stuff? What exactly do you need that Japan had in WWII?
towards the end of World War II as an independent undertaking by August Cönders, a munitions designer and engineer. Only one prototype was built and it was captured, in an incomplete state, by American troops after the war.
The Type 5 medium tank Chi-Ri. Only one incomplete prototype was built. The Ho-Ri I was a tank destroyer version using a 105 mm cannon in place of the 75 mm gun design and an additional 37 mm gun in the front armored plate. The Ho-Ri was to use the Type 5 Chi-Ri tank chassis and have a crew of six. A second variant planned was the Ho-Ri II heavy tank destroyer. It was to use the Type 5 Chi-Ri tank chassis.
Incomplete state sounds like wasn’t functional to me. Which is literally my entire point of all of this. Why did Germany and Japan get special treatment and given a gun that wasn’t built during the war and a tank that is literally, not figuratively not maybe not partially, LITERALLY a piece of wood
One where did i say functional i said mockup/prototype, 2 prove any of those heavies had at least a mockup or prototype before Japan’s surrender