Molot Vojny 40k




Let’s get started.

The simplest faction is the Imperium of Man.

Now your favorite category - cursed guns from Photoshop.

The basis of this faction will be the Imperial Guard. The main weapon is a lasgun.

Personally, I am most reminded of that very Tokarev avtomat lasgun. The easiest option is to simply repaint the AT 44 and make it shoot projectiles from the lunar event. But it’s better to figure out some kind of hitscan. Overheating is also needed and the expendable ammunition can be made. Mechanically, let it be an m1 carbine with damage like a normal self-loading rifle. Well, if you bother with the exterior, then I will take the Horn* StG as a basis, due to its futuristic design.

Also need a sniper build.

The IG guys are different. The main weapon of the Krieg Death Corps is the Lucius lasgun. I am most reminded of it by ZH-29 and ROKS-3. You can just use ZH or ROKS in this role, or do something similar.

He may shoot a little slower, but he bites a little harder. And you can also add a bayonet to him. Let not everyone have a lasgun, but only Lucius.

The Space Marine is perhaps the most memorable image from WH. And of course his weapon is a bolter. You can scale a welgun… or mess with a Japanese high-caliber type.



Mechanically, the easiest way is to make it a handled version of a highcaliber machine gun. And you can make it more interesting, namely, to make him shoot projectiles from the German uberduckgun Luftfaust B. It is also very, very, veeEEEEEeery important that there be a dismemberment and a oneshot of simple dummies. WH, after all. Well, the shot trough the walls is good. Yes, I have figured out how to balance it.

You also need something heavy, namely a heavy bolter. It can be obtained by stretching type 93 in the same way.


You can also screwdrive a Maxim shield to it.

A flamethrower. What else can I say? ROKS-2 + m1 + m2.


Plasma. You can use the mechanics from the lunar event. Only the damage in the area is not so large and the rate of fire is higher, for example, a little slower than self-loading. The projectors are twice as small and the color is more lightblue :):):)))



It is also worth noting that the plasma gun from WH is a very unreliable weapon. I think it would be interesting to make sure that overheating with some chance could end in this way.


Grenades. The type 97 grenade wins in the nomination just like in WH.


You can also attach the UZRGM from F-nade.

A chainsword. I really don’t know what to make it out of. (does Kuzinka have chainsaws? well, or from some kind of excavator … bike … and find the poor guy who will make it all spin)

It can be given to the first numbers of all squads and space marines. Well, or find a bigger knife and scale it.

The look of the dummies. Of course, you can take a ami paratrooper, put something like this on him


or the top part of it,


But it’s better, of course, to make something more interesting. The flak vest is perhaps the most recognizable part of the image of the Imperial Guardsman. You can take it with this

and build something similar out of them


The helmet of the guards in WH is also quite characteristic. You can make a tanker’s one thicker, cut off his ears or take this

cut off all the excess, stretch the ears


and finally repaint


Krieg’s death Corps, well, everything is simple here, overcoat, gas mask – ready. Or…

I decided to use this cool hёlm as a basis.



Let’s put it on our Krieger

We will paint yellow the eyepieces, bend the hem of the overcoat, Attach a plate to the face, and attach a hose to the gas mask.

It’s beautiful! Even now in a meat grinder, and for the Emperor!

The Ice Warriors of Valhalla. Well, kamon! It’s understandable for any hedgehog.


But now it’s going to be really difficult. Our favorite space marine and what it can be craft of.



I do not know what in TF is going on in this Kuzinka of yours, but in the browser I found this.

If these prostheses are made wider and stretched over some kind of jumpsuit, then you will get a good basis for power armor. Other armor elements can be removed from robots from the event. The marine himself should be made one and a half times larger than an ordinary dummy.




Shoulder pads can be crafted from half of a helmet, but what to do with a helmet… I really don’t know. The campaign will still have to strain your tride artist.
I decided to choose the Black Templars as a specific order. And not pop music like ultramarines and quite famous. You can do without any decorative elements.

And what about tunkies? Of course, Lehman Russ. Here is an instruction in memes for you on how to assemble a Leman Russ from improvised assets.


Only Mark 1, as far as I remember, is nema in the Tundra. But Char B1, which is the main prototype of Lehman Russ, is.

It seems that the shooters in the sponsones will have to be abandoned. At our core, there are not normal gunners everywhere. There are modifications without sponsones at all, but I think they should be left. Purely for the sake of beauty.


Well, where without our beloved dreadnoughts.



You can assemble the whole thing from parts of the same robots from the event, tanks, well, or watch from some apiary, just like in this humorous pict.


Someone will object: what about the Guards sentinels? This is of course very good, but I don’t think it’s worth adding more than one walker per faction within the event.

Titans. I would immediately suggest the emperor, but he will ruin the whole map with one shot at once. And he is unlikely to fit on this very map. Reaver is not very big (by WH standards), but also not the smallest.

Weapons – gatling blaster, laser cannon, missiles. The crew consists of four people + a number of servitors.


I’m not quite sure if it’s the river, though. Well, you get it. The technology of crafting has already been described a hundred times above. According to mechanics, all his guns should play with cooldown, overheating and the speed of aiming guns, so that the appearance of this device does not turn the fight into a one–way game. And this is just a cool mini that I wanted to insert here.

And now about how to play with it.

Guardsman Skins – with a 50% chance, a set of all three of the above drops out, with the assignment of skins to specific classes. Kadiya is a fighter, mortar man, assaulter. Krieg is an engineer, a flamethrower. Valhalla is a sniper, radio operator, plasma. The remaining 50 means that the layout will consist entirely of representatives of one planet. These shelves are a) fairly well-known and b) represent fractions from the base game. Give all the Kriegers shovels. The first numbers can be given sabers.

Voiceover. Kadiya are British. The ami are voiced too childishly, and the British are too paphosly (that’s exactly what we need). You can get a neural network or even actors to say FOR THE EMPEROOOOOOOR!!! Krieg – kriegers will look quite normal without voice acting. And if you voice it, then the British or the Germans. The Germans HAVE to clean up all sorts of hooting, giggling and hahanky. And be sure to add a funny gas mask filter. Valhalla is Russian. “For the motherland“ is changed to "For the Emperor” The space Marines are the same British, only with a cool filter.


Free round-robbin:

The fighter;



Radio operator;

The mortar man;

The Sniper;



Krieg assaulters can change their overcoats for tunics or some kind of jackets and put on top of the Sturmtruper armor shown above. assaulters from Valhalla can be given Cadian armor plates.

An assault lasgun will differ from a conventional one by the possibility of automatic fire. (Well, like regular lasguns also shoot in bursts, but okay). Increase the health of stormtroopers two to three times. (do not forget about the increased damage of Krieg lasguns)


Tank. The cost is one and a half to two detachments of space marines.

Dreadnought – the same amount.

Titan – five to seven tanks. The laser cannon must burst a tank or dreadnought with a single hit. Everyone knows that titan is when [a five–hundred–meter robot phlegmatically tramples tanks], nevertheless, in order to balance, it must pick into four or five cannons.

The cohort of Chaos.

In fact, it is the reskin of the Imperium with a couple of its own features.

The infantry is the shameless reskin of a guardsman.

You can also put on a red Stalhelm or a Sturmtruper shell or roll up your sleeves. It is better, of course, to vary the above options.

Cultist – we find something more authentic, but with a hood

Paint it black


We find some scary bald head.


The voice acting is by the British. You can apply a creepy filter and add zombie growls and wheezes. Instead of FOR THE EMPEROR!!! Let them shout FOR THE DARK GODS!!!

Chaos Space Marine – I decided to choose the Black Legion. The most obvious choice.



You can still do without decorative elements.

Weapon. Lasguns can simply be repainted, bayonets can be attached to bolters, assault lasguns can be replaced with heavy stubbers. The stubber in the WH is a familiar firearm. The stubbers in the WH are not particularly elegant, and a heavy stubber can be assembled from pieces of some machine guns. For example, like this.


We change the chainsword to a chain axe. (still DF know)



Well, there are already two factions, you can fight, but it’s boring without xenos somehow. And if you add xenos, then orcs are the minimum plan. The simplest xenos to implement.


How to make an orc? buy a model for a couple of bucks, we take a naked man from the Kuzinka.

We make it a little wider and tighter.

A little hunchback.

Paint it green.

We polish the bald spot, insert teef, pull out the ears, stretch the breadbasket.

Hurah! Your first orc is done!
Voiceover… Ahem… someone’s going to have to have fun getting screwed up. Well, or call his unfunnyjesty or Sunface Sean.
Guns. How to create Orc weapons? Let’s go through the points.

  1. Open the forum.
  2. We find the FNFAL profile
    3)Well, you get it.
    To the imperial set, you can add melee guys like the Chaosits, Remove a squad of engineers and add an engineer to each squad (you can remember about the Meks, but let’s not overcomplicate. you can also put cool glasses on the orcish inje). To rearm the fighters with simple machine guns. You can add a wierdboy , let him shoot fireballs and teleport, but explode when overheated. The health of a Space Marine or two. (although then it is possible for other factions of all sorts of psykers with warlocks …)
    Nobs – if it’s simpler – then these are thicker orcs. Pass it off as points. Let’s have twice as much health as a Space Marine. Squad – three boiz.



You can give out a stone for the same points. Literally a stone that falls from the sky. This is how the Orcs land. You can make a random number of survivors after a fall from seven to one. (from seven to zero it will be a shame, but it is also possible)
A tank – you can repaint the Leman Russ, but it is better to cook unknown fucking stuff from a GAZaAAaaaAAAAAA, a flak88 and an excavator. Or you can do both.
Instead of a dread, you can add a killcan




More stompa.



Put on some kind of jumpsuit, for example, a flight suit or from a lunar event, hang pieces of armor from robots, and preferably do something with the design of the legs and the number of fingers. Fingers can be hidden by drawing a new mitten. And if you do not make changes to the anatomy, then you can add Gue’vesa – people who have been turned over by Tau.

To do this, you can even just repaint the guards again. But I would like to see both of these factions, and even with the chance of forming a team from these two factions.
The voice acting is English with filters. And let them shout “FOR THE BIG FINE”

Tau popguns.


You don’t think I can figure out what to craft THIS out of, do you???


Okay, here’s a couple of Tau guns for you.
SCAR + Barrett.

Type Ko


Tau engineers should be given drones instead of hammers. Like you’re planning a building, a drone arrives from spawn and builds it.


I would like to make the birthers somehow more elegant (for example, from the same parts from robots), wooden boxes will also look strange. It seems that there were iron ones in the game. Instead of bags, there is also some other shelter, for example, to remove the screen from the tank or from the same robot. Let them have all the arty with plasma.

Invisible tau.


It resembles a superdroid in some way. If you are going to do an event on SW, then you can take the case from there.

Tau tank.

Thaat’s re-a-A-A-A-A-a-al DF know. Just craft it out of some planes. There is something of the SW AAT of the Confederate droid army in it. I will be very glad to see your options in the comments.

Tau robot.

They have robots of different sizes, some even jump. You can close the niches of both heavy infantry and small and large robots.


Prosthetics from Kuzinka, it is unclear where to get a helmet from. The voice acting is English with filters. Guns can get my homage.


But the main weapon of the Eldar infantry is the shurikenlauncher. In general, they do not sweat with their wraithbone – as hard workers at the factory will stamp and mill this shit.


Even Japanese-made hellish glanslaunchers won’t save you here. I can only suggest organizing a similar screwcake.


As far as I know, making a screwcake in a 3D editor is not much more difficult than in the same Photoshop.


Well, okay, except that this little one can be sewn from some Japanese, if you try hard.

Eldar tank.


No comments. It’s even more fun than Tau’s.

Eldar robot.


The crew is one big–eared small soul.

Small robot.

This can add the function of turning into a statue. And spawn piles of statues, among which you can hide. These can be squads of three.

Instead of a big robot, you can use this handsome one. It should be great to craft from a naked man from a cousin.

Eldar classes.


Banshee - melee. You can make a function to SCREAM LOUDLY so that the player has a concussion, and the bots start to panic and run away. The Space Marine will certainly not be impressed by this trick.

Warp spiders – climb into the warp for a while, and then climb out into reality. You can make a warp with the same map, only with a blue-purple filter and without assets and walls. You can also increase the speed and height of the jump in the warp. Traveling in the warp, and especially for the Eldar, is a very dangerous activity. You can make red clouds in the warp. Hit the cloud = became a yummy for the one who craves.

Construction. It’s going to be difficult again now. In short, the Eldar make all their stuff out of materialized warp energy –wraithbone. And for this they have an aspect – bonsingers. You can make a squad with one dummy, who will have the health of ten space marines and he will build everything. And what will he build? The most obvious version of the birther is the entrance to the web (somehow it was called a WebWay, maybe?).


This thing is clearly bigger than a favourite beepers. You can make it invisible until the enemy comes within five meters. And I also have little idea how the big-eared ones replenish their cartridges. (maybe they just go to the box and collect magazines with shurikens) I suggest making a replenishment of the ammonition from the birthers. Only if you build them closer than [THE VALUE SET AT THIS CAPTURE POINT], then the function of the birther disappears and only the function of the cartridge box remains. Well, put a limit on 2 at the same time. Instead of sandbags, you can mix up some force fields.


Robots. You can make from prosthetics, you need to take a skull and ribs somewhere, stretch the texture of some metal. Voice acting – is it necessary? Google guy with filters.

Long range units.

Melee with a broken OS. They can also be summoned by a radio operator as a zombie.



Pyramid. (Not a tea pyramid)


Functionally, it is a levitating armored train with a birther function.
Small robo-beetles are engaged in the construction of necrons. They can also be guarded by a flying crocosaurer.
Necrons also tend to revive after a while. One minute – infantry, three – tank. Necrons shoot green rays that turn people into skeletons, which then turn into dust. Here, either do not match the necrons against anyone other than humans, or good luck in drawing skeletons of all races. Or immediately into the dust. Without skeletons. Each necron’s health can be made like that of a space marine, but they are slow like MFs. They are made of magical alien cast iron, which is repaired by itself, so they can be given a good autoregen.

The Tyranids.

I’ll just leave you this picture, and you’ll think for yourself – how feasible it is and how to play for it. Maybe I’ll figure it out later.


Although I would chase after some toothy creature with a head like a xenomorph, whose gun is another separate living creature, each cartridge in which is a separate living creature. Although genocults could make a great gaming faction.


PVE activity. Or a third party controlled by AI.


Well, boiz, orcs on Gogol Street? The sphere of expansion in the Tiergarten? Or not?

A map for urban battles. What do we imagine when we hear the phrase “the city of 40k"? Gothic and spires. We take all the Gothic and all the spires from Normandy. We collect them in one place.

If possible, we remove greenery, soil and assets that directly point to the twentieth century.

We train everyone from the tractor plant and the power plant.

Add some chasms. There were shobs.

I screwed up a little bit with the perspective. Well, I’m sorry, somehow I didn’t have time to find time to become a professional graphic artist. And I was ducking around by his relative in the editor to fly and look for the right angle.
You can also stick a huge spire in the background. Or even more than one. You can add a fancy moon and a beautiful warp storm to the sky. You can also add some ships. To stick an aircraft carrier with Gothic spires and here’s a ship from 40k.

The big factory.

Tractor plant.

We remove the snow, eliminate the distance between the workshops, you can train anyone from the power plant. Workshops can be accumulated.

And we put all this under the roof of the workshop, scaled about 50 times.

There should be an epic shot here, like looking from the workshop to the very top, but it turned out to be crap. In short, you get it. It would also be good to make this roof permeable to physical objects and a view from the back side. So that droppods, art and the collection point can be normally selected. It would also be fun to make the effects of explosions when objects pass through the roof.

And you also need a lava river.

Clean, there was a shob.


We collect all trench and trench equipment in one place.


Remove all green stuff.

We fill everything with scorched and dug-up earth.

Well, has anyone caught nostalgia for old isometric strategic games? No? I hope that at least we did cringe everything well.

The scales and proportions have been exaggerated for the sake of clarity. And I screwed up with the perspective again. Yes.

These are all imperial planets. Can we think about alien worlds? The most obvious option is the worlds of Tau. What can they be assembled from? Some buildings from Tunisia are best suited.

We choose the most rounded and wavy ones, take out all the carpets, wooden furniture, in short, clean out the oriental flavor and the twentieth century to the maximum. But this is not enough. I doubt that tau will be built from bricks that will peels off like this. It is necessary to replace its textures with more technologically advanced materials. And do something about the paving stones and the primer. You can also make sliding doors.
Let’s look at such transformations using the example of this house.

It turned out to be bullshit. It doesn’t look like the world of Tau anymore, but it looks like some kind of Tatooine. Maybe not the world of Tau, but some kind of alien world for sure.

How much prettier T’au became under Tausyanin!

You can also paint the bunkers orange.

And you can take furniture from these bunkers to alien houses.


Only first, of course, to paint it orange.

If you can’t come to an agreement with GW, make an agreement with Flashhitz and do a Space king event.



HELLYEAH! Bad ENG cringe :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel: :dromedary_camel:

Original topic.

Original additions to original topic.

For the right mood.


Kаdiya is stаnding


For the Emperor!


this is quite an elaborated shitpost.

of which, for how much i’d love to see it in enlisted, it will be only available through mods.

aka, custom content.
bad news, custom content is no where in sight…

but, for the emperor too.




Link? :dromedary_camel: :point_right: :point_left:


i was going to make a zombie mod with 40k themed playable character. but i don’t have much time.

so… it’s only “available” on my hardrive.

and, @Bazsi37 nuketown zombie mod where i made most of the characthers there.

you can check his mod here:


The planet broke before the guard did


Anyone know what’s with this influx of spam topics? It’s getting annoying


Even though this post may seem like a joke, it’s so efforted that it would be perfect for a mod or for the next April Fool’s Day



Now return to your duty guardsman


Yes, Sir!




Here must be “cannons” not “guns”.


The Chaos Egg Man


Chelovek - Yaytsa :dromedary_camel:
Chelovek - Yaytsa :dromedary_camel:
Chelovek - Yaytsa :dromedary_camel:
Chelovek - Yaytsa :dromedary_camel: