i Will break My silence for this comment…
"7 Years and still Beta, and somehow that trailer looks better than Game looks today.
Historical Matchups with Campaigns, the realism, grit and immersive feeling.
Instead we get Halloween Hans and madMax Tanks
Hardly recognize is hardly an understatement"
… He, talked facts after all… And think that i was blind to reconize it before…
-you’d hardly recognize the old Enlisted
"No shit. YOu changed the whole concept of the game.
It WAS something new cool and promising, now you turned it into the usual casual nub game with no real care for historical matchups, Campaigns, Maps weapons and vehicles etc.
7 Years and you still in Beta…
7 Years anniversary and you throw us a generic grind event same like any event you usually throw.
with some bland PPD 34 and a Car, albeit nice addition but hey come on, this is really an underwhelming anniversary.
This is just another generic event.
A Anniversary would be throw us veterans of the Game some bonus or skins, or vehicles, special soldiers, Squad whatever, just for being there and supporting ur project as keeping it alive and paying for it. but hey gaijin huh
7 years and you still call it Beta and The Game is turning more into casual scrub party vs tryhards.
Squad based WW2 FPS with realism, Historical matchups and immersive strategic gameplay is what I came for and still hoping for… instead we get the ‘‘merge’’ with completely wrecked the game and turned it into semi-historical tryhard shitsoup…
Still hoping for better times though!
Shame on me and GL to you!"
…many…many…many facts…
You know the saddest of all??
The Game was promoted like this:
And if You look how the current state of the Game, he is rigth this is slowly turning into another call of duty vanguard but in some way even worse
Open your eyes and look in a detailed way… Is this… What we expected?
Me and probably the guy who Made that comment started playing this casino where You shoot each other thinking that it Would be an inmersive experience and at first it could have been… But slowly in the deepest hole it was turning into what we have rigth now… And keeps turning into a nigthmare…
Is sad to see what happened to this Game…
And You know?? The devs can make everything work propelly without any kind of wierd Bug, exploit or something similar
Historically accurracity is dead is just dust rigth now and a this point adding an alternate history non relationed to the ww2 (idk like medieval stuff, modern war, futuristic stuff) or Even fictional stuff is going to fit into the game any example? Take this :