Mods Digest: Down into the Fuhrer’s Bunker

We return with another review of the most interesting missions from our talented creators!

Since the release of the “Burning Sky” update, Enlisted has become an endlessly scalable game, as you can create unique missions or even a whole new map using thousands of objects from all campaigns.


A great idea realized in two different missions. We take the existing part of the Berlin map near the Reich Chancellery and open the doors into Hitler’s bunker!

On the original map there is no bunker, actually, just a sealed entrance, so whatever you find underground was created by the mod’s author.

In the first version of the mod the bunker is very compact and is best suited for battles of small teams. There’s a single strategic point and two tunnels leading to it. The interior of the shelter is very well done, there are even a few easter eggs!


In the second version the author has completely reworked the underground layout, and now the bunker is quite spacious: several levels, multiple utility rooms, offices, a medical room, an armory and, again, a few amusing easter eggs.

This mission should be played with a big team. And the main advice for both versions of the mod is: don’t miss the entrance!

Game designer’s advice: you should mark the entrances to the bunker with smoke or spawn the players inside while allowing them to go outside and attack the enemy’s entrance. And brush up the interiors, of course.



A deep revision of the classic landing in Normandy. It’s literally D-Day on steroids.

And by “deep” we mean a total rework of the map with many more fortifications, as well as differences in elevation and tactics. The attackers now have more opportunities to find cover, but the defense is also much stronger thanks to pre-placed 20mm guns. Vehicles will definitely come in handy here…

This invasion will be perfect with lots of participants.

Game designer’s advice: sometimes the differences in elevation are too severe, confusing the AI soldiers. Try out other cover options: destroyed vehicles, trenches, maybe even tunnels.



Every one of you can create your own mission, as well as launch any mission from the portal. Here’s a quick reminder how to launch one of these multiplayer missions.

  1. Choose a mission you like on the Enlisted sandbox portal and press COPY URL on its page.
  2. In the game, open mode selection (above the START button) and choose “Custom matches”.
  3. Press “Create Game” → “Mods” and paste the URL you’ve previously copied.

Now you only need to customize the options, and you’re good to go — your server is in the list. Tell your friends to come, wait for other players to join or play by yourself.


Sometimes mods look just amazing


Gonna have to try these once I get the lads together lol

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Any chance, if community members make historical maps, that are good and tested by the developers could make it into the official map pool?


We are simple guys. We do not have a complicated bureaucracy and if the map is really great, then it can be done.

The question is how to reward the author and a few other little things that we will probably work on when our mission editor works perfectly. This takes time.


Love this serie, and it’s really great to promote talented modders as well as give good visibility to fun and well done mods. :slight_smile:

Congrats to @41565865 and @107557900 for the amazing introductions.

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The reward is having a good new map. Or a little bit of gold

Like can you imagine making a lot of Winter moscow maps? Or Hurtgen forest, Konigsberg and so on

This looks amazing, but how do I know if it’s running and who is running what on Custom on Ps5?

Is there a website which people list their custom maps and I can match that back to in-game?

Idk if work with ps5 but with my old ps3 i can use the ps3 browser during the game for access to internet, so if it work you can access enlisted mod site copy the url of the mod and past it in costum match url searcher for find the map

Thank you, browser works in game and also on mobile (Android) just been browsing all the mods / maps now.

Add that E-day into Normandy please, that one is simply amazing

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Lol Yeah you can browse but it wont help. Holy.

Devs add Console Support also Mouse and Keyboard. Cant be that hard


Single silver order of each type)))

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Let gifted modders make the maps while y’all concentrate on quality of life enhancements.

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I’m happy now lol. Just one question: why you turned off dynamic shadows, when making those screenshots? :frowning:


Нашел причину - в редакторе свет от ламп работает с динамическими тенями, а в игре они почему-то вырубаются.

Может, баг?

Please collaborate with @46642960 on introducing an official/even WW1 experience.
There is so much untapped potential in Enlisted.
Also, Russian civil war event, anyone?

And please! Mod description in server browser: