Mod suggestions: chaco war

Brief history: from spanish colonisation to 1932, chaco region had little importance. Subtropical dry are whic have no natural resources. Mainly inhabited by guarani natives and later mennonite migrant from europe. Colonial time maps didnt really have a clear border between Paraguay and bolivia due ton on existent central authority in the region. In 1920s British and american oil compainies thought a big oil and gas reserves can be found in chaco.Both sides claimed chaco region is their and in 1932 war started between two countries.

This was the last major war between two countries in latin american history

Also strangely; germans supported bolivia and italian supported Paraguay eventough they were close friends.

Chaco war is also considered the last trench war like ww1 in military history. Both countries were poor so they couldnt effort powerful planes or tanks



Riflesand pistols :

1906 luger

Mauser c96

Browning m1911 semi auto

Belgian fn browning 1903

Vz 24 rifle

M1891 argentinian mauser

Submachine guns:

Mp 28


Vollmer VMP

Solothurn s100

Suomi m 31 : yeah, small numbers of finnishn smgs were also used

Lmg: zb26 , zb30

Vickers 1914


105 mm mortar (cant find its model tough)


75mm mountain howitzers,

105mm Mk B field guns

Anti aircraft gun:

Oerlikon Mk 1 twin 20mm guns

Flamethrower: both sides used but unknown origins (bad documentation)

Tanks: Vickers Mark E 6 ton armed with vicker mgs

Carden Loyd tankette armed with vicker mg




Belgian fn 1930

German m1907

Modello chileno mauser (chileon model mauser)


Smg: thompson m28

Others are same as bolivians

Paraguay captured lots of bolivian smei autos and smgs

Lmg: danish madsen lmg

Masen lmg

Colt brownig 1917


24 Stokes-Brandt 81mm tubes

Anti tank:


75mm german krupp

e 105mm Schneider M27s

Oerlikon Mk 1 twin 20mm guns

Flamethrower: both sides used but unknown origins (bad documentation)

Tanks: same as bolivia

I like it when people who don’t have the slightest idea of the capbilities of the editor, and the game, go ahead and suggest ridiculous ideas like this one.

These are the same people who make polls 4 times a day on reddit on new campaigns,who complain about bugs or error with minuscule importance, or accuse the dev team of being lazy and unproductive, having absolutely no idea how game development or in general how games work.


now, what you did above, ( which section is good, but category is wrong )

it’s not duable due to editor limitation.

but, you can attempt to make it your self ( outside vehicles and guns not present even in the game)

so you can boot it up, create the landscape ( which might take you a month depending how good you are, and how thought out the maps are in your mind )

then, make the loadouts. or attept through custom profiles ( though do not work players. only bots )

therefore i guess a pve.

but not sure about the uniforms and stuff.

As a latíno

Chaco it’s probably a wilderness tunisia tanks and planes

More unwanted idea ??? seriously everyone dont care there are more important campaign to add than … this

time to read

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