[Mod Editor Feature Request] Redeploy Area

Although the redeployment ability can currently be enabled through the allow_change_squad entity, such a singleton entity is global and cannot be used in game play mission creation.

This proposal describes a new area to allow redeployment ability to be implemented in game play missions.

Redeploy Area is a special kind of area entity.

When the player enters the area, he will be able to change squads (redeploy) in the ESC menu, as in the screenshot of the practice mode below.

Redeploying/changing squads is different from suicide and does not incur any death penalty


Also refunds the times(+1) of squash spawns



  • team_id (area for which team, such as -1, 1, 2)

  • icon (Area locations should have an icon, some icon like the resupply ones but different)