Mod editor crashes immediately when I press Rebuild NavMesh

So I press the “Rebuild NavMesh” button under “Toolbox” → “Build commands” and it crashes. Does anyone know any solutions? Would someone be willing to try it(i can send the file to you through private message or I could attach it here)? Also if it would help the crash ID is “2105358d05”.

Does it also crash after restarting the editor? For example, I always get a crash after creating a combat zone and turning on navmesh, but after a restart it works.

IIRC I got this problem only once. It happends because of some rendinsts, but it was long time ago.

It would be nice to create report in CBR.

It crashes regardles of how many times I try. But I tried to rebuild navmesh in a new scene where I added only a few rendinsts and it worked. So, I think the problem is the amount of rendinsts.

I think that is probably the problem, I put way too many rendinsts(probably the aircraft carriers I put in).

You can backup your scene.blk file (just copy and paste in same folder) and start remove rendinsts. And when you will find what exacly cause this then use code from backup for restore and remove these bad rendinsts.

The navmesh crashed my MOD edit after pressing button. I was building a cave and needed to check ground hole zone. The underground zone box was added first, but without navmesh. Next I used >toolbox>build>navmesh and then a crash report was needed to send to admin developer. I continued to restart mod editor and listened to my machine pull and wind a huge magnetic force from the video card. The heavy pull happens when I enter the rends too. As I needed to rebuild cave with navmesh; I switched all top menus off esspecially properties and entites. Then saved file and rebuilt navmesh. It didnt crash, as the machine did go into an overload of processes between ram and video capturing. It might be swit hing between 32 and 64 bit processing to safely play when uploaded to sandbox.

How exactly did you do that?

I continued to restart mod editor and listened to my machine pull and wind a huge magnetic force from the video card.

It didnt crash, as the machine did go into an overload of processes between ram and video capturing. It might be swit hing between 32 and 64 bit processing to safely play when uploaded to sandbox.

I want the stuff this guy’s smoking

The top menus are either off or on, dim or bright. Switched the off to be dim. Then Went to tools To rebuild navmesh.

Hey, the nav processes from two different devices: the cpu or the video card. Id like to know what amount of computer data is transfering before crashing. I also think the cpu reaches the temperature hotpoint of 200* and warns entire computer to switch off MOD before pc gets too hot. If you got liquid cooling on your cpu then you also need it on the video card. Truthfully I onlu got 800mhzx4 ddr2 to spare, so I gotta pot in a small piping to keep the chill and not smoke too much.