MOD Camera Position in Correct Position

How can I change the position of the character’s first person camera? It is currently on the neck, and I want to make a mod that allows me to place it in the correct position, that is, in the right eye of the character, also if there is any way to have control over the skeleton of animations and the model to adjust the height of the weapon and hand position, among others so that they are aligned with the new location of the camera?

there is any way to have control over the skeleton of animations and the model


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you currently cannot change the position, and worse, you cannot save it for any mods and what not. let alone being able to use it in the base game as i believe you want.

with this being said, you can play around with the camera in the editor ( the Perlin_cam attached to the head of your soldier. ( which allows you to change the FOV and other minus features that i haven’t really looked into )
though again, upon restart, you’ll lose those settings.

so… yikes…

Well… This you can do it:
Old Wolfenstein/Doom style:

But yeah…

Some funny things happened while I tried change weapon position:

These four properties (gun_anim_var__gunOffset...) change weapon position on hands, but yeah… It also affect to third person view and to first person view.

But yeah. When you aim then camera teleports to gun.

About camera position i don’t know, because didn’t reach this point.
In theory it’s property on soldier. Changed human_cam__standPos from 1.4 to 1.0:

Game always display first person view in camera position. In theory you can remove it by camNames.


This is the problem we are trying to solve.