MKB/lll for new players can use assault engineers

Please consider personal taste and multiple players, we would like to use the new German assault engineer squad in a different tier to BR5.

And the one viable solution is several assault rifles that are not currently available for purchase in the store.
I saw that they recently added a BR3 tank, they could also add the MKB/llll.


Honestly just events that bring back old gold orders for purchase would be great to have periodically.


This was my first Assault Engineer squad so I didn’t know what weapons they would be able to equip. I was a bit disappointed when I found out they can’t equip SMGs. I’m a newer player who plays BR1-2 so not much use really.


It is an advantage to have a small holding quantity and not to sell repeatedly.
You don’t want to see the enemy all fighting with T20s and Soviet grenades and Kondes

U wanna be here too


what do the soviets get? (and the americans, and therefore also the japanese)

Imho, classification of MKb35 should revert back to smg. There’s no reason why should only limited group of players be able to have full auto engineers in BR2 matches.

There’s no reason to have full auto engineers on BR2 in the first place.

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“We got you covered, here’s a new shitty lootbox rng system where you MAY obtain one after a year or two! You gotta pay for better chances.”

I bet they’ll say something like that…


in BR 1-2 ?
better tanks, planes and generally better guns, would you like to have gold order aimbot top of that or what ?

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better planes? the IAR-81 is very much on par with soviet aircraft, granted the soviet p-40 is quite nice as a substitute attack aircraft (it’s weird yaw/roll instructor issues aside)…

tank wise most of the soviet tanks are death traps; even the medium T-28, while fearsome is slow and can easily be outcircled and penned.


Just like PZ3N / PZ4E, as they should be probably only BR where support tank has role instead of having do it all tank such as KT2.

T50 > PZ3J1
And since u nominated the “flank it bro” hard to figure any better tank than BT7 for such role due to lightspeed mode.
Regardless the flank it bro hardly ever is a valid solution.

you DO know the IAR and Stuka D-5 can puncture most of the russian tanks with it’s 20mm’s right?

(by that standard the IL-2 struggles to pen some of the latter tier II german tanks)…

also you’ve got a 500kg bomb;

Just wait they could maybe add new low-tier ARs in the next season I can suggest a few here (As a gold order weapon so it would not break the balance of low tier)

for soviets Korovin AK33

20 to 25 rounds (8.9 mm/800 rpm)

for germans Vollmer SG 29(MKB 29)


It seems to be using MG-13 round so 25 rounds and ~1000 RPM

For American and Japan when we get assault engineers we will think about it

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care to name the most tanks then ? So far ive only easily destroyed t-26 with the 20mm

“Thanks” its so amazing that I havent seen anyone use it in past 2 years.

t-26, t-60, t-70, that flame thrower tank… uh… the M3 light tank M2A light tank, including the flame thrower variant.

the T-50 and onwards is where you’re going to start to really struggle,

but the 250kg bomb on the IAR is actually quite good at taking out any tanks that remain, the probelm of course is that you need someone to spot tanks and ot keep them spotted and there’s all of the weird latency “hit detection issues” of rockets plus you’re not going to be able to see how close you were to the target.

naturally it’s best to avoid suicide diving as the wreckage gives away that you’ve dropped a bomb specifically on them, it’s hit or miss.

the IL-2 is pretty fun to play but wow do they get fat in mid/later war variants.

20mm penetration on T-28 and T60 is consistenly very inconsistant. On paper T-60 should evaporate from a condensed fart of the 20mm, but in EnLiStEd WoRlD it’s coated with inpenetrable Stalinium which makes it immune to all damage 50% of the time.

Just yesterday I used three strafes on one T-60, side, aft and from top, and managed to destroy The Radiator.

Bombing however is fairly simple with all bombs. 50kg bombs consistently kills everything but prepatch T34.
If you dont get the white hitmark on stationary tanks you’re bombing it wrong.
All bombs are effective.

Spotting tanks is not an issue, 3D spotting is like wallhack in this game. Spotting infantry is difficult due the retarded draw distance in this game.

20mm guns are very inconsistent on destroying tanks in this game.

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had to double check, yeah, it kind of is, but at the same time I think germany has enough stuff, if you want mkb/III’s you’re going to need a semiauto carbine at least in the main tree for the USSR, if not that AND a “full auto” option for GO as well.

also; a 250kg bomb is quite good because you don’t need a direct hit, that’s why I was saying “you’ve got 250kg bombs”…

requiring a direct hit is spotty due to the nature of Enlisted’s netcode.

250kg bombs, in this game, are slightly worse than 100kg bombs - especially when there’s multiple 100kg bombs on numerous fighter / attack planes on SU.

It’s all about the numerics. If I recall the math correctly 250kg does slightly more damage than the 50kg and its radius isn’t bigger. This applies to 500kg bomb, too, which makes it only more lethal on the exact same radius as 250kg bomb - which is as lethal as 50kg bomb.
The damage is calculated as reverse cone from the ground and thus it creates more damage - upwards. But as SU doesn’t have (yet) flying soldiers there’s practically nothing expect birds the “extra” damage does to.

Multiple 50kg bombs is way better than 1 250kg bomb, even though it would be intuitive to say that 1 250kg bomb would cover 5 x 50kg bombs, it isn’t so, because TuH GaMe and physics, really.

Also I don’t care about the gun play that much to say anything about MKB/III. I have accepted that USSR side is the Tutorial and Story Line Campaign side which automatically needs to have the best guns in all categories, so that’s that.

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that’s irritating… especially because the IL-2M has 100lb bombs…

(lol; give us PTAB-equipped IL-2’s Darkflow!)