Don’t know what you have with the G98 scope, it seems good enough for all normally achievable distances. The only thing that messes with it is the blizzard effect on the snowy maps.
It’s a 4x… I only said it’s for medium range compared to the 8x of tge starter sniper rifle. (Never said it’s bad, quite the opposite)
Actually never noticed that. Seems basically the same to me.
Well, the way maps are made out, surrounded by grey zones… the distance of engagement is pretty small. So yes a 4x is enough. (But again I never said it was a bad sniper, just that the optimal range of scope diminished the higher lvl the weapon was)
yeah the sight makes it harder to shoot with for sure but the gun is al dente
It’s possibly… no… it IS the best bolt action rifle of the whole game (g98). I’m just sad it’s restricted to sniper guys. I’d gladly use those for my riflemen, I don’t use g41 nor the Czech semi anyway since the unrealistic semi rof nerf.
its weird though that they use an sight that could fit an semi auto but think its for balancing purpose since its so strong for sure. But yeah fitting that one to reg inf would be to op in my opinion or well winchester contender may be? but still would be weird since its made for sniping. Wouldnt fit the picture of an infantry gun so to speak
Is it thought? Russians unlock semi auto scoped svt as second sniper unlock, while germans get… the “amazing” pre war k98, which is just a copy paste of the regular k98 (with slightly better bullet cycle speed)
But then again… Moscow is somewhat balanced right now in term of equipment. Perhaps Russians have a slight advantage, but not by much…
So I won’t start another one of those numerous and absolutely stupid threads about "balance suggestions " or “restrict this or that”
The sight yes since it wont make sense on a gun like that for sure. If i want long range sniping the Kar98 sight is way more effective and easier to use even if you lack the punch of an G98. Its the best bolt action sniper ive tried but the sight makes it harder to handle at longer ranges since you need to hunt pixels so to speak which means lesser control
Still worse than winchester imo. That rifle is absolutely amazing.
By slight you mean major right?
They get better rifles, better smgs, better tanks, better snipers, whereas germany gets better lmgs. Doesn’t seem that balanced to me.
yeah i loved it to…Thought it was an premium gun at first when i picked it up then heard that it was unlocked at decent early stage^and went like wtf ^^ But i accepted it since i loved it so much xD Stockholm syndrom ? xD
Well… they get sniper mkb42… yeah.
Who knows, maybe there will be good news for Germany next bp and they’ll unlock assaulters mkb42 🤷
Yeah, a scoped smg limited to 3 per 5 man squad that’s unlocked at lvl31. Now it’s time to actually give the germans some decent low rank stuff.
Oh god no, just not that. That’d be too much. Suomi would be good though. And for the russians, the avs could be changed to the still missing infantry svt 40, and the avs could be moved up to the same rank as the suomi.
Suomi got suggested by some… But I’m not interested by it… it’s really just another drum mag smg “à la” ppsh41… both sides having too similar things becomes boring. If I want to spray I plsy Russians, if I want a bit longer range/accurate offensive I pick Germany.
I’d like mkb for assaulters. Russians will probably get the Fedorov anyway.
I love the suomi, as it’s one of the best smgs ever made. And honestly, I don’t see your problem. it’ll be different. Kinda more like a PPD38, but more accurate with better hitpower, different sounds, animations and overall very different.
The STG will just be an MP43 in the wrong campaign. This is early 1942, we don’t need more assault rifles.
+there’s the issue of it making the sniper stg useless.
Imo fedorov should be a gold gun. Or classed as mg. It’d turn this campaign into berlin 2.0, just with a much worse balance between early and late game, something which (perticularly the axis) already struggle with.
agree Suomi wouldnt bring anything interesting to the table. Would perhaps see an better early tank maybe even if ppl portrayed that the pnz2 is an beast which i didnt see on the battlefield at all ^^
Or a decent TD instead of the completely useless pz3B.
Ferdinand at lvl 7 ? to weight in for IL2 ? Jk but Marder 2 perhaps but on second thoughts would be bad because of Inf only type of thingy. Filling it with wonderful HE rounds though
More like Panzerjager 1 or sturmpanzer, maybe marder, though issue with these is that I’m not sure about if they were used in 1942 on the eastern front.
Though honestly, ferdinand wouldn’t actually be that op if implemented as historically accurate. 85% chance to spawn with broken transmission, unable to climg 10degree slope…
Don’t get what you’re trying to say here