Mission Editor Issues

Little issues I have seen… Please take them with a grain of salt…

If you are editing a Entity and this entity requires a hard-coded Text caption that has a capiTal T in the use of the Text the Entity Search box comes up for the “Shortcut” This screws up what you were currently trying to type in any “Dialogue or Text/caption” area that requires a capital T.

I think also when you are finished editing / moving a Gameobject you should run a procedure to Refresh the Active Object Panel that is currently selected (single object only) so a Modder can see the updated x/y/z /rotations of the object based on their movements in realtime… simple bg update timer…

edit: working with the editor and reading all the manuals helped my process a little instead of just not reading the docs that are updated. The selection of object is great, but needs a bit of tweeking, a mode to ignore objects that are not in view of the camera would be great.

** After a object has been selected a outline of the bounding box in the editor would be ideal. or to temporary display some helper objects around the object that you have selected in game world space…

** When rotating a object it would be great to hold the control button down and have the rotations work in “steps” or Snaps…

** Be sweet to have a helper button to reset the transforms back to Zero / original angles / positions incase a bad rotation / scale was done and you need to get back to a objects base quickly…

** A object pallet? like a window that shows a thumbnail / autoscan of the object and put it into a picker.

** object snapping…

** Measurement tools? specialized for the environment…

** Measurement tool to confirm shooting / eye / camera height / Ai movement probability scans

** Ai waypoints? Hotspots? Trying to figure out some features that might be already in the system… ie: AttractPoints ?

** Spawn Ai features: Every time a AI squad gets killed, have the next generated squad a nominals value increase.

** big nugget**

during the selection / usage of a object, it would be great to add on another inner developer tag that can be attached to the entity so one can track their objects design through the text file vs just in the 3D editor for batch changes…so I could tag a entity with a tag like “Wall_1_B_2” for an example… and then do a quick search in the gamefile for the “Wall_1_b_2” and I can easily track it in the file and do manual edits or on even a more grand of a thing in the editor do a search and find the object based on the “wall_” search tag… This inner extra modders tag could be used in helper programs that could auto create buildings and walls / structures based on code with little tags added… one can dream…

*** ohh you can’t print screen in the Editor to generate screenshots for Mod showcasing a activation of the routine / keypress would be sweet.

*** A entity list of generic items that can be used on all maps… Found the Happyface… and the Entity Worksheets. :slight_smile: More Refinement?

*** Make the Mod Level more Prominent in the Game / game viewer. So the Title / name of the game is showcased in the gamebrowser, with game details.

** Still need a reset button to reset a object.

** Be nice to have the option to change the objects rotation based on a different pivot point.

** Group Entity’s

** Adding a secondary file that only the editor would load up as a helper file that the editor would use to generate modder helper objects… ie: extra in-game mod “flags” or reference objects (colorfull stuff) for each game level. scene.blk scene.mod

** Encrypt the blk files

** feature in main gameengine to “Play Random Mod” ?

** During the uploading of the .blk file the system would not “allow” the user to delete there last file uploaded as it is the uploaded “Version” and have it so the website keeps a version control “simple” so that the modder could “Rollback” to a early version… Have the blk file publishable through the editor! ----> “Head explodes”

“If only I could quickly drop down a sandbag or two…”
Figured it out… I am able to drop sandbags now…

** Editor icon change to distinguish it from the main game engine when both Engine/Editor are running at the same time. Tricky stuff for sure. The icon is not a big deal if you are running the game in Window mode, but in full screen mode is super hard to toggle back and forth from editor to game environment. grain of salt stuff.


** Object Painting? with gravity feature to allow objects to “drop with physics”

** Object locking / handles not visible

** Click on object and it is selected vs tiny white little boxs

** Entity Browser with more info in the list

** When selected an object (or multiple) it would be awesome to be able to nudge/move the object with the arrow keys by tapping them .

** Using the ALT movement increment in the Movement tool as well so you can move an object in uniform movements.

** Align selected object to clicked on object

** object Selection notifiers (white box’s that change depending on the scale of the object), how about having the color change from “white” to “orange” when they are against a “light” colored background. It is impossible to see the white box’s with white background… a Multiply filter on them as a toggle?

:slight_smile: great job on all the work so far.


By the way, objects can be rotated in 15 degree increments by pressing Alt. Fully agree with the suggestions.


I just tried it… worked great.

just tried it!! worked perfectly. 15degree increments is perfect