Mission BLKs

I have exported all mission (and some non-mission) BLK from the game. Upload date: 09.25
Could be useful to anyone
missionblks.zip (3,4 MB)

Seems like the editor won’t load the scene blks anymore, you can still view the mission though by loading directly into it.



i was just about to ask how could i have achieved a few things that were on main map.

but thanks to you, i can looks them up through blks

wait a goddamn minut.

they have pve innit.

why aren’t they releasing it?

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In files many maps that didn’t added to maplist.
Some of they are removed maps (River Kamenka).


yes, but that would explain why we have pve stuff in the editor.

hence, that’s why those were in maybe?

cuz there are a few missions that has those

hey, maybe they are working on pve :+1:

i mean, pve ain’t a small piece of cake in the market. i’d say it’s about time.

but that’s understandable given the current problems in pvp.

( can’t wait though )

Isn’t Keofox public said that devs plan add it?

About map. It was in files when Editor added (maybe even earlier, idk).
And it looks unfinished. No bots.

Maybe devs planned add new gamemode like in War Thunder where we defend some area from waves, but for some reason… A bit abandoned it.

meh, i hope they will not miss the mark completely just like wt.

and actually implement a solid and valid pve.

with actual different gamemodes, and variety within.

you know, something different rather than pvp like co-op or something. perhaps i’m getting a bit burned out from it.

i’m working on suggesting something, but it might be a bit big. hence i’m waiting for:

to see what we’ll be able to pull off and see how those works.


UPDATE: Unpacked Scene BLKs:

blkx.zip (6.3 MB)