Missing JU 87 B-2 bombs

Hello. I have a problem with a JU 87 B-2, which is missing the 250 kg bomb that is supposed to be there. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong or it’s a game bug.
Uploading: JU 87 B-2_bombs_problem_2.JPG…
Uploading: JU 87 B-2_bombs_problem.JPG…

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It’s not missing, you have to first drop the 4 50kg bombs first, the last one is the 250kg.

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But the game doesn’t show them via screenshots

That’s nothing new, the in battle UI is just bad since ever. It is like that for years. I am surprised CBT guy haven’t noticed until now.

The 250 kg will show up once you drop all the 50 kg bombs.
The UI only shows the type of bomb you will drop next so once you start droping you should be shown the 250 kg bomb

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