Mini vent motorbikes

The motorbike squads are hard to level up, the legacy ones I mean, 18k per level on average, if I find a good position to stop enemy attack, it doesn’t mean I want to drive in any closer.

The amount of times on low BR I get someone jumping on my bike and charging at the enemy, giving them an idea what I am doing, dying within seconds.

I know I can lock my vehicle, but seriously do I have to do that to stop that? It has happened three times in 2 days…

Please don’t drive the motorbike unless it is empty, it is very unarmoured and you will die!

Rant off


“fun fact”.

it doesn’t work.

you cannot lock bikes.

hence, you will always end up with jerks jumping in your bike and send straight into certain death.

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You should just be allowed the option to spawn as basic infantry when you use the Rider, just like how you can spawn the APC squad without using the APC. It would make leveling faster since there are many cases where it would be more useful to just spawn on a rally point without your bike.


wtf, can you block vehicles???