Mine discussion

My proposition:
Make AT-mines useable as timed explosives that can be placed on objects to combat tanks and emplacements. Make them less susceptible to explosions to prevent some premature detonations. Give AP-mines a slightly larger trigger area and explosion radius but let them work with a fuse to give players some chance to mitigate the damage.
Now for placing the mines: Maybe increase the time it takes to set mines on rocky/paved grounds for a pinch of realism or make them stick out more in those areas. Might be a balance issue for some campaigns though (Berlin). You could of course give certain classes a speed boost when placing mines (AT-Gunner/Engineer with shovel).
Also provide the ability to defuse mines and award points for it.

i sent an honest vote, but mines are not the problem and dont need to be addressed.

What needs to be addressed is vehicle imbalance (stuarts facing panthers, Panzer III N completely unable to pen sherman except for the sponsons) and matchmaking. Its getting near impossible to grind normandy axis when it feels like 9/10 matches are my team being lower campaign level than i am myself (just hit 12) and the americans are running around with maxed out thompsons, jumbos and 500 pound bombs while my team is virtually powerless to stop them, especially when it looks like half of them are still learning the controls.

AT mines only track even the lightest vehicles, but cost the same as a thompson in terms of orders. Grenades and Det Packs also cost the same, but det packs have about 3x the kill radius of grenades and the same throwing range. Should probably start there if you really want to improve equipment usage.

Sticky bombs would be great. AT mines as they exist are 95% useless. Explosive packs are better against tanks. Games are too short and face paced to fiddle with what ifs. Ability to carry more AP mines per soldier would be good. Ability to lay mine fields (multiple mines) might be an interesting tatic in some maps. Great defensive tool.


:point_up_2: i would love it.

In case you already spent your explosive pack, you can sacrifice yourself by placing under the tank and shoot at it, killing you along with the tank (unless u forgor the ammo idk)
so at least it does have some use in an emergency situation. You could try placing AT mine at somewhere where the vehicle would walk over like bridge or roads but it is not guaranteed to be 100% successful because they sometimes took different routes or driving off roads.

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With the current explosive pack meta, I can honestly say its better to buy two of them rather than one AT mine. Unless you have the option to carry multiple mines, not many people (even defenders) are gonna use them. I am happy this is being addressed, it seems like a good idea to increase the radius of activation (perhaps magnetic mines?)

Last few days have troubles with AP mines in Tunisia. They are triggering 1 to 5 or 1to 6. Sometimes AP mines just disappear. So, I can not secure properly my position, and 20+ my AP mines in ally invenotry are just useless.

To egneneers be able to make tripwire traps and granade traps, mine doors and windows so no you can not PAAAASSSS also to AT gunners bring more than 1 tank mine. Also it would be cool to remind other users to use mines and be able to carry more in battle 3 would be ok,
BUT make placing just like engeneers place buildings.

YEAAAAAh, nerfing them would be a very bad descicion players dont use them so buff them so they use them and change the battle course

Great option on AT mine as often chased a tank only to find out have run out of packs. Never come to mind to give it one last hooray with an AT. My life for the team!
Welcome to the Forum.

Perhaps have a mine satchel like a grenade pouch can - maybe small and large like grenade pouches for 1 or 2 extra mines?

Suggest only useable by enginners - maybe even engineer squad, since mine laying was usually a specialist role for engineerr pioneers

Aslways supposes mines become useful ofd courseā€¦ but perhaps they would be if you could lay a few of htem at once.


Cost is too high for what they do, no matter the changes. Explosives cost one silver and no matter the change, they are always going to be the superior option. Mines cost two silver, and even with this change, they will continue to be absolutely worthless.

Reasons: you can only carry one. The game meta is very fast. It waste a lot of time planting one mine in a place where odds are no one will pass, or if they do, it is unlikely it will do much (kill one soldier). The odds tanks will ever stumble into one or two mines is virtually zero. To plant nine mines with infantry, you need quite a bit of time, a lot of luck for the enemy not to stumble into you, and it also costs quite a bit of silver. 18 silver for a lot of luck.

Iā€™d rather see the planes fixed. It is getting really old to empty 20mm cannons into an IL-2 with virtually no effect on target. Not only there is little point to fighters, they are also virtually trash at their job, especially the german ones, because the 20mm and 30 mm are extremely bad against other planes.

I see a timed delay from when you drop the personel mine was snuck into the chinese new year update. I havenā€™t tried the anti tank ones yet but, i deployed a anti personel (AP) mine watched the little circle disipate as troops ran over it without detination, then watched another three soldiers pass over it without detonation. so i thought ok its a dud, so it tried another one, same result. Ummmm, donā€™t you think that you should actually make them work before trying to nerf them? Lol

And here are the results. We will pass them on to the developers, as well as all your suggestions.

Wait for news!