Mine discussion

With this.

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I just don’t want to see yet another feature relegated to irrelevance thanks to new changes.

Prior to engineer object nerfs people actually built defenses, now they literally just use them for rally points because a sneeze destroys everything.

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Nice to have a poll about it. Truth be told, mines are way too easy to detect (which I forgot to mention in my suggestion inside the poll). So they definitely shouldn´t be even more visible.
I believe that main concern regarding mines (already mentioned it in poll suggestion) is, that they are too vulnerable to indirect damage, and inconsistent when someone actually walks over it.

I´m totally fine with mines exploding if somebody shoots them, but they are triggered by almost anything.


This post about mine inspired me to see a 2016 movie called mine, It depicts the truth of life
" Keep Moving on, You have to keep moving on "

I hit “send” in the poll before adding my suggestion: Implement option 2, but don’t make tank mines more visible.

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Current issue with mines is that the only ones that actually work as intented are the german and I think allied mines. Those, you step on them and you die. The italian and russian models often deal no damage when detonated by being stepped on.

HmMmmmM… We didn’t take that into account. Let’s think.


Not all game mechanics can be implemented quickly. As not all mechanics are needed at this stage of game development.

Sorry to have to wait too long for some.


Thank you Keofox for being honest, I know things take time, looking forwards to new stuff planned anyway, I’m hooked! :+1:

yeah mines are the biggest problem… GARBAGE…

Mines are too expensive given how situational they are. I used to carry AT mines with engineer but the only place I could score somewhat reliable kills was D-Day as there are good vehicle choke points at the gates to the beach but in other maps and even other D-Day areas the enemy vehicle movement is too random. I try to mine certain paths but I rarely have any kills. Also arty is very cheap and lame mine clearing tool.

More historical accuracy would be cool, more accurate mines

They are fun(jk)

Fixing them so that they work as expected weould be a preferable first step

Because 3a + b >= 3a.

I honestly don’t know what would needed to be done to mines as i don’t use them they seem to not really be worth it as they die rather easily due to all the explosions during a battle.

I don’t think many of my anti personnel mines have lasted long enough to kill anyone due to them getting killed by grenades and such. However i am glad of this as i have played many games previously where anti personnel mines were just too powerful and just annoying to come up against as they were just a free easy kill.

As for the AT mines i don’t think you should make it easier to see them.

Also another thing to add is that the current prices for the mines (2 silver orders) is far too expensive no one in the right mind is going to grind 50k xp only to buy mines with them.

The previous 3 bronze orders for mines was a perfect price however now they are way too expensive as they are just not worth it.

Also another thing to add if mines are buffed i would like to see a limit of mines per squad as i really do not think it is a good idea for full squads running round with mines putting them everywhere.

Finally thank you for taking the time to make the poll :slight_smile: would like to see more as there are quite a few issues and things that need to be fixed in game.

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First off, this poll idea is a good thing:)
Mines are already visible when in my opinion they shouldnt be, in reality the actual concept of a mine is to be NOT visible, dont make them more visible than they already are please.
Dont increase time for them to detonate, it SHOULD BE INSTANT, each soldier can only carry one, its not like you are able to wipe the whole battlefield with a few strategically placed mines, after all it takes time to deploy them and the soldier is vulnerable while doing so.
Please DON’T nerf them, infact the opposite should happen, more often than not, they dont work currently. Steps should be taken to make sure they actually detonate when the soldier/tank goes across them.
The only way they should be able to be disarmed is by shooting them or by grenades/explosion packs and while doing so if the soldier is within the blast radius then he should be eliminatedand upon elimination of the mine xp should be rewarded regardless of death.
The idea of adding a magnetic (sticky) for tanks is a good one but it should stick to anything metal, they were magnetic in the time period.
To sum it up: mines are ALREADY visible, they SHOULDN’T be nerfed, they SHOULD be reworked so as to actually detonate when they are supposed and it SHOULD be instant, no delay. The nerf ALREADY exists, they ARE visible currently.

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yeah, mines arent underpowered i think, its just that we dont have the time to bother using them.

Right now they just randomly kill someone here and there, but without much of an effect.
I really think giving defenders more time to prepare for the next objective would make mines a lot more effective.

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I find AT mines in Berlin very useful.
There are some gate/tunel hotspots. :slight_smile:

Let me drop that here, mines certainly need a buff, think in over 700 matches i got like 2-3 tanks.

AP Mines need a small detection area like the width of a doorway with “wires” physically visible or not, set up time when dropped should stay the same, might becomes to cheesy with lowering that.

BUT let me tell you once thing, it should be wisely considered how to improve them, everything needs to have a counter play like AP mines are slightly highlighted and can be defused quickly and /or can be shoot by small arms fire (Hit box of bullet detection should be slightly bigger than the mine itself (they’re a bit tiny).
A new meta spamming them with no skill invested and grabbing kills all around is the last thing i would like to see here.

AT Mines also needs a buff in detection like the diameter of the mine it self around it. And/or detonate when a Tank drives directly over it.