MG15 is just a pointless weapon for BR V

Delete MG 15 and MG 42 from the TT, in return give BR V 150 rds MG 42 with 1200 RPM


You no like your TT modified aircraft MG? I’d kill to have a modified aircraft MG in the Allies TT


Oooor what about, NOT removing anything, and just adding a 42 with long belt in br 5 instead?

(Why removing stuff???)


I think it is a bit better after the recent buffs to a large number of German weapons. Haven’t tried it myself but picked it up from a bot in a custom bot match. Seemed a lot more controllable than what it used to be earlier.

They could also buff mg 15 or drop it down to br 4

Or better yet, it would be to fix the Tree’s MG42 by raising its rate of fire from 990 Maxed Out to 1500 and removing the 50 round magazine for a 250 round belt.


Yeah Good damage, rate of fire, easy to control vertical recoil But the horrendous bullet spread along with the horizontal recoil make it bad

No, MG15 is good in BR5.
MG15 and conders is my mainstays in BR5, just learn how to use it.

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Suggesting to delete a weapon is rather weird

the only change it needed was the fix to its dispersion + it got a tactical reload with the minor update, so it reloads a bit faster

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Those 75 round mags for German MGs actually reload very fast - so since there is a MG42 and a Patronentrommel MG34 in BR5 -

A 100 round belt MG42 parallel to the MG15 at BR5 would give multiple choices for gun selection.

Now that being said - I just did some googleing and found out that MG15 woud have a rate of fire of 1000 rpm - not 1200. This combined with the fact that the MG is actually a early war MG should mean that MG15 should get a rate of fire nerf and could even move into another BR.

Anyways, this not even necessary, all I want to actually see tho is a MG42 with long belt and real world rate of fire. Germany deserves to have better MGs - it should be the factions main strength.

It is worse than br 4 mg 34 patrontrommel which makes no sense


Is the dispersion fixed on it???

It hit more thing now instead of shooting everywhere but straight

That is to say it definitely an improvement

As for how much? Idk I have like 2 guy and I barely used it enough to say it definitely

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I’ll have to try it again soon!

About those strange lmgs, I play Japan lately (I always rotate which faction I play each 2 weeks) and tried the attange duct taped contraption again…

Still big dispersion (understandable for what it is) but it’s better than before. Can now effectively suppress and down enemies at medium range.

I dare say it’s even funny to use!

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Tbh I always like it pretty good for prone but I haven’t played jap in a while maybe I could try it later

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To definitely try later, then! :smile:

After I get the DT-29, I’m gonna grind for the MG 15 just to see if it’s as terrible as all you people say it is

I’d say the MG-15 is workable as long as you don’t get the ROF upgrade(you do sacrifice dmg too, but…)

last patch it got accuracy fix; its completely fine, I infinitely prefer it to previous MGs besides MG34pat;

I honestly have no idea what the complaints are about? Yeah im for Mg42 150+ but MG15 still completely solid for BR5; carried my lineup for me until FG42 fix to be honest.

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