I would suggest the possibility of rework the high caliber MG first with an ammo limit like AA gun being 2x 100 ammo with 10 to 15 s reload But you regain the ability to pen throug 1 wall
For the normal MG I would give ger a 3-4 x 100 ammo with a reload of 10s and a little nerf about the actual overheat they have
Ofc they can get resupply by an engineers at a cost and a cooldown of 1 min more or less
Firstly thanks for the answer and for the long reload time I know it’s maybe too long but it was for nerf a little the fact that ammo are heavier for the High MG first and the other was to let some time of ennemy to get away from this maybe a 7-8 s for the light one and a 10s for the heavier would be much appropriate ?
for the normal one I can reconsiderate yes but the heavier gain the point to pen throug wall same as the beginning then they we’re introduce so adding a reload time with ammo make ppl less frustrated about " this thing is too op …"
By the way i Would fix the mg sight of the MG131 wich is horrible the bullet don’t go where you aim when you turn the mg a little
if they’re going to rework mg’s they need to completely rework mg’s to be “not assault rifles” but much most static weapons that are encouraged to preform suppressive fire or mowing down infantry.
this of course requires AI to be redesigned particularly for magazine fed weapons like the bren, which were crew served IRL; (IE: you’d have an assistant gunner constantly swapping out and topping off magazines)
The rework of the bipods will help that maybe but why not etablish a defensive status by pressing a key while your bipod is activate and enough IA in your squad, one of your’s will help you reload giving a reload a little bit faster
What if we got rid of overheating and got rid of their sandbags? Since the DShK and the Type 93 AA heavy mg have less ammo per box/mag compared to the ladder, they would be able to have a shorter reload time and have a greater traverse range (360 degrees).
nice idea i’m agree , how about giving the choices between sandbag or not depend of the current situation you are in the cover would take a little more cost and little more time to construct
I would suggest the possibility to gain only one 250 ladder when the big pouch is take a 150 one for the little one. if the resupply is made by asking your IA ppl only 50 ammo ladder or magazine will be given.
I mean ideally it would also change the reload animation so the character isn’t doing a COD style reload but either uses the trigger hand (while keeping the gun on target), or has the NPC reloading.
the magazine count should also be higher at that point, because you’re reloading from the squad’s bags rather than your own.
we could also add some tripods who get carried by one man of your squad to gain some line of sight and reducez the recoil but you become more vulnerable depend on where you put it
Since we put the fact that’s mg carried by inf get a 250 ammo belt the HMG and the LMG build by engie should have too with a 7.5s reload for the HMG and 6s for the LMG
I would say it depend on wich one we are using mg 42 and mg 34 I would say we could use it from the hips as a desparate situation than FN model 20, BAR and some other can be used as normal “auto rifle”