With APCs on the Horizon, I think it would also be good to add to add in an intermediate between Mororcycles and APCs. My solution: MACHINE GUN JEEPS!
Willys Jeep - USA
Kübelwagen - Germany
Kurogane Type 95 - Japane
With APCs on the Horizon, I think it would also be good to add to add in an intermediate between Mororcycles and APCs. My solution: MACHINE GUN JEEPS!
Willys Jeep - USA
Kübelwagen - Germany
Kurogane Type 95 - Japane
I think these could be spread around the maps, with the US having an m2 on theirs because it’s cooler.
As a squad, I think it runs into the same problem as the motorcycle squad where it just kinda dies because it’s so open?
Reminds me of good old heroes and generals.
Would be a nice expansion for the riders as a higher tier vehicle that is slightly more stable and easier to aim than the motorcycle.
They also could expand it and add in Japanese riders and Soviet ones.
The only problem I see is the riders where made for Tunisia but I dont see it being a bad idea to consider at the least.
yea at least it will make the rider squad a little more unique