The recent news regarding the new event coming soon was very exciting, and as a player who enjoys playing both these nations the most, I was very eager to check out the stats of these soldiers and their firearms.
Upon discovery of the MG 39 stats, I was left destroyed. This LMG has a RoF of 1320 paired with a default reload speed of 5.4s, which will have players firing less and reloading more.
Another potential issue with the RoF of 1320 would be the base ammo count. If the ammo for the MG 39 is default 50/50, this LMG would be useless on release.
For my suggestion, the firearm should gain a slight decrease in reload time to 4.5s and a base ammo count of 50/100. This suggestion comes from a comparison with other battle rating IV light machine guns. The primary comparison is the MG 42 early.
Another battle rating IV LMG to compare would be the MG 45 with a RoF of 1650 and reload speed of 3.8s!
I hope this suggestion can be taken into consideration and that the MG 39 will not enter the battlefield of high tier with underwhelming stats! Thanks.
I donāt think the authorities will consider it, after all, they need to make some distinctions between āfreely obtainableā and paid ones, and simply adding bonuses on profits is definitely not enough.
Personally I donāt like the idea because reload of MG45 is so fast it looks stupid and I would like to not see anything similar.
But I guess balanz is a bigger concern.