Meunier A6 's reload-time is to loooooooong

in the Enlisted Resource she ‘s 15 rounds of ammo actually takes 6.9s to load???
In the announcement, the data is 5.4s
Which one is correct?
As I understand the game, 5.4s is also too long, 4.8s is a more balanced figure


5.4 is how long the reload took when the gun had 10 rounds, because it has 15 rounds now it reloads in 6.9s


Is to much!
The 6.9s loading time is already way beyond most machine guns and they can load 50-250 rounds in even shorter???
Don’t you think that’s ridiculous?

Meunier has 3 times more rounds in the magazine than Type Otsu, it’s the minimum Meunier gets 3 times more reload time as well since both of them are BR3.


Well, this is honestly a fair price for this gun to be BR3 with 15 rounds I think. Both G41 models have around 5s with a similar reload system and 10 rounds instead of 15.

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You think thats long? You should see how long it takes Italian tank MGs to reload…


Yeah, at least even the Japanese Mgs have a quick reload


Exactly the type of poster I would expect to complain about numbers without realizing the gun has to reload with three stripper clips on empty.

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It a stripper clip reload so obviously it gonna be long

Reload times are too quick in general anyway. I actually wish this game had slower more polished reloads.

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