Menu lag - long times to load squads/equipment

I’m not sure if this is a new issue, but sometimes when I try to switch squads or change equipment it takes a ridiculous amount of time for the game to realize what I’m doing. For example I would take my Assaulter squad out and replace them with the MGs squad and then I would go back to the main menu, about to start the game, only to realize I still have Assaulters in my lineup. I would swap them out once again, go back to the main menu and the assaulters would still be there. So I’d just sit there and wait for solid 10 seconds and then poof, MGs would magically appear in my lineup. Similar thing happens when changing equipment, where it takes far too long for that equipment to appear in the little menu.

I came back to this game after 4 months and have never seen this before, at least not to this extent

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I think it’s just a bit of server lag. It does that to me sometimes when I’m spam-rearming squads.

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Maybe. I did have a pretty laggy game today

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