Medic's should be passive

Although enlisted is a ww2 PVP game there should be passive medic’s. an interesting update would be an unarmed neutral medic that gains point through helping teammates and enemies. This would show the humanity of the solider in enlisted. Even though it is war killing someone how is there to save lives doesn’t seem right It would also be good if there was a tech tree for medical supplies such as bandages, gauze, slings, tourniquets and morphine. All doing something to treat different wounds. There would probably be people who shoot medics anyway, so there should be a point deduction system to help prevent people using unarmed soldiers as free kills. I love using medics but when I’m trying to help people and i see defenseless enemy get shoot or stabbed while downed I wounder if I’m playing the part right. I understand medics were commonly killed in WW2 there are still stories of mercy and kindness.

P.S I understand its a game.


I feel like this wouldn’t work for a number of reasons. Mainly because everyone dies in a couple of hits no matter what. even if they get downed players and AI love committing war crimes and killing injured soldiers. And when the soldier comes back good as new after being revived they can immediately start blasting the opponent. If that is the case then most players will just shoot the medic, lose some points instead of throwing their chances of winning a objective. Unless they overhaul the entire health and revive system (which I doubt) then maybe it will be a good idea.

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The Japanese gave priority to attacking U.S. medics.

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Medics barely work as is in game.

Imo what they should do is make A.I medics heal automatically, That would
A: Boost the medics usefulness to a few players.
B: Make them more useful as a class due to the A.I would be helping.
C: Award players better for being a medic.

Medics in this game don’t work due to TTK is low.

But buffs like this may make medics more useful and even give players more of a reason to use them if they got boosted rewards at the con of no backpack slot nor 2nd weapon.

As well as many nations had medics which carried weapons.
American medics carried Pistols, Japanese medics often carried knives, Nades, Or even guns.
German medics were armed with pistols, Soviet medics were fully armed.

German and soviet medics had tons of issues due to their nations didn’t respect each other’s medical staff.

America and Japanese medics had tons of issues due to they didn’t care for each other and often were targets.

American and German medics were more respectful from what I’ve heard.


I just spend customization orders and put normal helmets on my medics so they’re combat medics and the Geneva convention doesn’t apply to them. Subsequently, it feels more normal to see them shooting at enemies.

Although I do hate how you can’t remove the red cross markings in some squads/campaigns.

game is too fast paced to this lol

they should just have an AI bot squad of medics on both teams every game who run around and maybe try to heal people but still fight back

in a game in where everyone die in seconds a medic sadly won’t do a lot, they need more buffs, I will keep saying, medic squad need an engie and engie unique structure and be able to bring back dead units who aren’t blown in pieces/death by headshoot

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First completely agree that medics should auto heal; even if its not ultra useful its immersive

Secondly re improved medic mechanics & bringing back dead squads already submitted an idea here:

AI medics should definitely try to heal anyone around them - that would be great!

As many have said, there’s no time to play medic when you’re pushing an objective. Maybe when defending and you’re holding a position - but you rarely see it.

Would be great to see AI medics running around doing their thing - and maybe even make it so AI enemies don’t target them. Them I’d definitely be adding them to some squads!

Personally I think medics shouldn’t have SMGs (nor ARs) and instead should get more stuff to heal ppl. Even allow them to revive if it’s necesarry to make them usefull.
So that medics do medic things instead of being pseudo assaulters.


I"ll just bring my 40k Necron Lord, and his resurrection orb, rise dead Necron warriors, oops 1942 enlisted toons.

In my humble opinion,

The function of Medic squad is completely the opposite of passive, they are extremely offensive and only work like that.
They are equiped with submachineguns, that makes this squad realy good to taking position, its a assaulter squad (ASSAULTER I) but disguised as medics.

They are able to rush enemies control points, like inside buildings, deal with many riflemans spraying their machineguns at close range, then after slaughtering all near enemies soldiers, and forcing enemy lines to retreat, medics can drop first aid boxes so the injured soldiers teammates squads who survived supporting the capture point can recover, being able to hold the control point or keep advance with greater chances of surviving in the open field on the way to the next objective, suffering fewer losses.

It doesn’t make sense AI medics run to heal a down allie soldier where the got shot, probably both of them will die in the next few seconds.

Are you suggesting to have a medic AI passively waiting with a syringe in his hand for heal you immediately after u get shot?

In this case, it would be more funny if soldiers have an IV pole attached to their backpack with an IV hanging above their heads. just kiding xD

I believe that the individual medical kit do the same.

In short, I think the first vitality perk that regenerate health when out of combat fulfills the same function that a passive medic AI would done. Which doesn’t perform as it should because no one plays the battles at the pace for it works.

I’m new to the game but more and more I feel like the enlisted game wasn’t designed to be played the way it actually ends up happening. The option to position each soldiers squad individualy may be proof of this, however with the speed at which battles take place, the pace is so intense that I have so far been unable to use the individual positioning command. This also explains the ridiculous behavior of the AI soldiers running around like dizzy cockroaches.