I think you should actually do a little research, because it 100% IS actually a thing.
I’m not trying to get into territory that goes against guidelines, which is why I’m not going to go into specifics here.
My point is that medics shouldn’t be forced to waste a couple of extra HP points that should be going into the person they are healing. HP is a resource, however you wish to look at it. Every little bit can make a difference, and in the case of medics, they should be able to get full use out of their abilities, just like everyone else, even if that means making some changes.
Every class in the game has seen changes to make them more balanced at some time or another, medics so far just have gotten the least (outside of riders/drivers).
Overheal friendly soldiers won’t be a thing IMHO. To much possibilities to abuse it in 4 stacked squads.
What the game needs for starters but the list is not done ofc:
More Battlehero awards for medics
The ability to ask for heal in the “demand” circle just like ammo.
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Am I the only one that has the experience of troops getting one tapped right after I heal them? That was the whole base premise to my suggestion.
Even if it were to cap at like 10-15% extra max health?
Perhaps I spend too much time around bolties, semi-autos, and such, but that doesn’t seem like it would be overpowered. An extra bullet in the case of bolties, and just one or two in the case of semi-autos and such.
It may hinder full-autos, but at that point that’s the idea behind using fortification weapons and other fortifications/ positions such as barbwire.