I’m kinda new to the Enlisted, but I would like to know two things at this moment:
Medic squad is Tier 1 group, is it possible to make somehow medic class tier 3? If yes, then how?
Is it worth to upgrading Tier 1 squad, or wait with it for the latest squads in research?
Thanks for help! Have a great games!
Tier 1 squad is the easiest to upgrade. Upgrading it will give you better combat effectiveness like allowing to add more soldier in squad so you can perform better in match.
Moreover, as a new player the only thing you have is tier 1 squad, so you are literally upgrading it when using them.
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Is it worth to play as medic class then? I play with friend and we have games in BR II - V, so are those medics not weak in this situation?
You can buy higher br smgs and equip the squad with them. The br of the squad is the br of the equipment the squad members are carrying.
Also, if you’re focusing on support and playing with friends; equipment br may be less important.
You could upgrade your BRI weapons to 3 stars. They’ll still be BRI, but it’s cheap and quite effective.
And it’ll keep you going until you unlock Tier 2 research options.
it’s pretty simple. No one really uses medics once they progress.
It’s sadly an incredibly underdeveloped class/mechanic.
Get rid of them as soon as possible and focus on Assaulters.
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I dunno. They’re a cheap assaulter squad in themselves when you have TNT and mines unlocked. Plus the extra XP for healing and dropping crates is always welcome.
The problem is ammo.
Ammo is king in this game, you can’t get away from this fact.
True. But engineers need to remember that they have more than just rally points in their arsenal…
Well, if you have the stalingrad assault squad you can build a 6x stg 44 squad with a medic and a sniper 
But yeah other than that they are rather low value
No, you can only upgrade their perks. If there were to be a tier 3 medic, you would have to buy it in shop (there is only tier 1 in the shop currently).
Absolutely, if you don’t have any assaulter squads, medics are just assaulters without ammo.
You can’t “upgrade” squad tiers. You unlock new tiers of soldiers and get a new squad to level up with them. As for medics in particular, I believe there’s only Medic I