Medics play a very important role on the battlefield
Medics seem to be a bit uncommon in this game, which is natural. Medical kits take time to bandage and cannot restore full health, which is a problem.
My idea was to add a painkiller (or stimulant, whatever) prop, which is a pill that can be taken immediately to get the effect.
It does not need to spend time bandaging to gain health points, but it takes a certain amount of time to slowly increase (the effect of the medicine also needs to take effect slowly), and only medical soldiers can provide this prop (in order to prevent addiction and drug abuse)
Medic players can take the initiative to provide painkillers to other players with residual health. Players can also actively interact with the medical boxes placed by medics to obtain effects.
When a player who is low on health but has a first aid kit interacts with the health kit, he will only gain the painkiller effect.
A player who is not full of health and does not have a medical first-aid kit interacts with the medical kit, and he can obtain two services: replenishing the first-aid kit and taking painkillers.
move the medic bag to an independent, separate slot, and allow medics to carry normal backpacks for extra grenades or much needed ammo, which is a dire shortcoming of the class.
open one more slot in the medic squad and let at the very least one engineer in, the lack of engineers is an unneeded hinder to the squad.
Medic are worthless because death is not a big issue.
Bots dying like flies one after another within mere seconds.
Players prefer to die to spawn another squads when only 1-2 soldiers left rather than receive help from medics.
Medics was the most useless class so far and nobody even asked for them but df added.
I am surr halftracks will usurp the crown from medics when it comes to uselesness after next update
How about medic runs around with his needle full of go go juice, and when injected, it turns player/toons into Zombies which attack there own squad. keke just kidding sort of
I agree completely. The inclusion of medics in Enlisted, was just pandering to the soyboi’s who saw stuff in other competitive products and whined we want some… Mind you it didn’t really work in the other games either because of the underpinning spawn mechanics that are in place to ensure that a game can actually finish. The fact that you can build spawn points as you advance is effectively the key mechanism of battle progress, which is then aided and abetted by the moving “greyzone”.
Some other titles tried to make medics work with limitations on spawn point numbers, conditions for set up or just long ass respawn timers after death. In Enlisted they didn’t even bother they’re another flavour of assaulter with a situational bag of medkits. The reason the syringe thingy doesn’t work is effectively the same reason fixing tank modules doesn’t work. It takes too much time mucking about with it when faced with an over proliferation of automatic weapons in game.
Until there is a sensible remedy for a reduction of automatic weapons in game this class is effectively useless for its role, and just functions like an ersatz assault squad operating in direct contravention of the Geneva Convention
medic are just another assaulters and a meme squad if you think about it, healing is so meaningless in this game i just can’t…
if medics could set up a tent in which you could replenish your lost teammates NOW THAT would be pretty impactful.
note, i don’t assume medic tent would be something balanced, all i mean is that i want decisive solutions.
We need impactful mechanic solutions such like these otherwise why not play just assaulters…