Medic 2 + Medical Halftrack that provides medikits and REPLACEMENT SOLDIERS

It would be great if we have more support type mechanics instead of more fast-paced lunacy

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Well Ive learned of his mechanics (which I now support) when he linked in this thread.

Im speaking of completely different vehicle classes (Sdkfz 251/8 for example) vs sub-changes to the current mechanized/motorized APC squads used by specialized squads only. You can take this idea to other sub classes (mechanized AT with a AT-equipped halftracks for example) but I think the medic class should be priority by its underutilization and ability to actually meaningfully change gameplay.

I think these distinctions make this a sufficiently different proposal.

Nice find! As with current APCs you could make a premium /f2p difference using APCs vs trucks as well. Not a fan of this necessarily but its an option.

hmmm yes more halftrack variants,also when medics for other squads as well?
british medic squad anyone?


As in when, will they add a medic to old squads upgrades? no idea, but it would be nice.
Just make it, so you could take a medic or assaulter, shouldn’t be that hard surely?

When it comes to this topic it apparently is
Not everyone played stalingrad - Suggestions - Enlisted

Yes completely different vehicle mechanic is obviously the same as adding a few medic slots in a team :face_with_peeking_eye:

I feel like its definetly not hard to do

Ok we keep going for one more post, i am tired now after being on all day but here goes.

My issues are simple
People for 2y have constantly, posted i want this , i want that, nerf this nerf that

Here we are, lets have a medic 2 class, let defenders have stronger defenses, remove det packs, give attacker 2000 extra points to defend with, give defenders time to run back from point they just lost, lets introduce a mechanic not in game, just to replace the J button.

And tbh, i like the medic ideas, but what’s the point, you spam for 2y,(not you) but all,
and what?, where are we?, do you have everything you ask for?, do we have a bug free game about to be released on steam.
do you ever think they will just drop plans, and say we need to add a new mechanic to replace one we have in game?
If people put all these effort/posts into a diff topic, like, DF FIX the Game ,FIX that, FIX this
before requesting endless add this, add that, do you think, they may actually FIX game.

With the announcement they going to steam, within 2 months, has me seeing $$$$, in this game just going up in flames, if they mess it up.

Just makes sense for all to start asking for FIXs, rather than new stuff, because, you had a idea.
Thank you for ur understanding.

I wasn’t replying to your topic I was replying to him and showing him what happened to me when I asked for medics in squads

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While we dont have yet a Japanese APC to reskin for ambulance purposes, their GP truck could serve as an ambulance (which applies to all nations as well)

Was wondering if medics could get a mechanic that would potentially revive soldiers - just like those medic half tracks, a thought worth discussing

Ok understand your point.

The reason Im suggesting this is simple:
-slows down the pace of gameplay. Currently BR3-5 is incredibly sweaty, destructive game mode; where often ability to get most bodies on cap simply decides the battle. New players also waste tickets which often handicaps the team.
-ability to retreat in order to restock your squad would allow for more realistic gameplay instead of going kamakaze ASAP just to respawn with a fresh squad. You could now retreat, restock and come back without wasting spawns but taking valuable clock time to do so.
-it uses existing assets, trucks/APCs already in game, simple reskins would suffice.
-it utilizes & buffs the underused medic mechanic.
-allows new players that like sniper/more survivable gameplay to support the team further with more effective medical aid that would gather points.
-aids in veteran teams by giving a combined arms option; now veterans could have 1 apc spawn, 1 spawn & 1 heal point each, further increasing their battle effectiveness
-adds ability to use more trucks/apcs at the same time, improving map mobility & allowing for larger maps.

While it is a limitation, I don’t see that as a flaw. Especially in tandem with player-built rallies.

Neat. So reinforce mechanics from the Company of Heroes games.

It totally won’t be abused by teams that aren’t particularly attritted by losses to make a never-depleted squad of soldiers.

Please put some thought as to the implications and impact this would have on attacking and defending teams.


Please put some thought as to the implications and impact this would have on attacking and defending teams.

-Aids defenders by not waiting for rally point spawns but by healing their squads instead. (would still take ~10 seconds per squad so slow)
-Aids attackers by not wasting their spawn tickets, but to do delay in heal time (~10secs) would slow down their tempo so its a trade off.

I literally dont understand what you’re trying to say. Yes, good teams that use combined arms and aren’t attritted perform better. Thats a no-brainer. Its like arguing tank/air support lowers losses so its an abusable mechanic

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Defenders already have unlimited tickets. We don’t need another system that gives them an edge over attackers that have a ticket limit.

This implies that, unless you put pressure on all existing enemy rallies and their ambulances, the attacking team naturally has to sustain additional losses and put in additional effort to suppress both the rallies and the ambulances.

Ignoring them would just result in defenders effectively having a never-ending source of reinforcements, so this requires more diligence on the attacking team’s part, by default.

Bots in your team will literally throw themselves into the objective anyway, so unless you’re in a full player lobby, the attacking team is still on a time limit. Not to mention, since ticket loss is counted on SQUAD SPAWN, this effectively means that, as long as the attacking team doesn’t lose a member of their squad, there is, effectively, no ticket loss.

You can order your bots to attack the point while you do whatever.

In that regard, you can literally just camp the ambulance and never lose tickets because the only people pushing are bots.

This is worsened by the fact that if you are playing a half-decent team of defenders, you cannot place your ambulance close enough to the objective that it would make a real difference in a fight.

This ends up just being a net benefit for the defending team.

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This implies that, unless you put pressure on all existing enemy rallies and their ambulances, the attacking team naturally has to sustain additional losses and put in additional effort to suppress both the rallies and the ambulances.

-A random bombing run can take out the soft skin vehicles; same for Paras, tanks, etc, just like current sweeps for spawn points.
-Defending squads would have to retreat to reheal, ie leave the CAP zone. You can make vehicles require being say +/-50-75m from CAP to function, easy balancing.
-Ie its a trade off to stay on Cap with a weak squad or fall back to heal. Currently, its a trade-off to stay on cap with a weak team or kamikaze for a fresh squad. So you’re describing semantics.

In that regard, you can literally just camp the ambulance and never lose tickets because the only people pushing are bots.

-u can snipe currently and let the bots attack, that obviously works wonders as everyone knows. (THICK SARCASM)

In summary:
-The defending team gets a reheal mechanic thats not too useful (because of unlimited spawns) so basically neutral.
-The attacking team gets a mechanic that prevents ticket loss but puts pressure off capping, ie a trade off/benefit.
-In a conquest or similar battle the mechanic favors teams that heal the most as it saves tickets.

Net benefit slightly favors attackers ie opposite your conclusion.

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Assuming there’s no overhead cover.

That’s far enough from the objective and perfect for the defending team to harass people from the edge of the grey zone if they use the ambulance aggressively. Since it’s not a rally, it’s can’t really be punished with an AP mine, and a TNT charge is unlikely to wipe an entire squad unless they’re right close to it.

Says the guy that never even brought up the distance restrictions until the issue was raised. Guess I helped you do the thinking.

Speaking of.

Totally won’t be abused by squads of people with massive squads just sending bots with end-tier equipment on the objective while keeping ticket loss to a minimum.

But I’m sure handling a couple dozen bots armed with automatic rifles without the attacking team losing tickets if you do kill them is a cinch. Especially if there is ever even 1 attacker more than there is a defender, the cap timer starts running.

It is useful for the reason I stated earlier.

Non-committal to attacks would just allow defenders to regain their numbers instead of keeping the status quo with half-dead squads. On top of fresh squads on the objective that are intact.

And gives the defending team a similar mechanic to passively replenish their squads on top of unlimited tickets.

Assuming the squads are diligent enough to walk about the distance of a rally away to replenish their forces.

Literally and impliedly.

I dont care about the game design restrictions because theyre fluid to the developers and can be made a net benefit to either attacker or defender (re heal distance, heal time etc)

And gives the defending team a similar mechanic to passively replenish their squads on top of unlimited tickets.

If u think suiciding a lone trooper, respawning in 5 secs and running 50m to back to cap is worse than running 100m total (50+50m) and healing for 10 seconds I have a barn to sell you. ie its literally 100% worse for defender to use this than respawn; im not sure how you missed this. Its supposed to be a flavor addition; not some Opie tek.

Bots in your team will literally throw themselves

Game is designed for players, not bot farming.

I dont care if the mechanic benefits atk or defender; as currently stands above the marginal benefit is to attackers mathematically; your welcome to take issue with it but it obviously can be modified via details to work for any side.

–The chief goal is to help IMMERSION and ROLE PLAYING by letting players try to save their team vs unrealistic bonzai charges to respawn asap while playing a suicide bomber.

Additionally, it might aid tactically in certain situations by helping save spawn tickets (at the cost of time) and improving on the lackluster medic mechanic–

The rest/details are up the developers as balance dictates.

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And you’ve lost me.

This game is past the point of any semblance of realism, roleplaying or immersion.