Me-262 possible last plane in axis TT/Night battles

The super Pershing saw service during the war. Where the hell do you think they got the panther armor from a depot nah they cut that shit off destroyed panthers.

If you actually took the time to read the post you would see that I said the super pershing was (as far as I know) “only used once (Super Pershing)” in one tank v tank 1v1, and i’m pretty sure only 2 super pershings were actually even shipped over to Germany.

1, this is completely unrelated. 2, most of these planes never saw combat during ww2.


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TA 183

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Junkers 287
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Ar 234

It would be amazing to see how their Ruhrstahl RX-4 air-to-air missiles plus their 30 MK 108 cannons They tear them apart in speed, maneuverability, ETC.

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who didn’t even fly
never took to the air even once

And they weren’t even built like Ho229 P.1101 Ta 183 :wink:

Germans are such masters of making junk and stealing money
making as much as 1 prototype


Oh I’m sure it would be far from the last

Nah just fix the FW series and add more rockets to the A-8 one

The T20, the assault rifle they have, did not see combat nor did it pass the Prototype phase and it is there in the Game, there is no point in Crying for something that wasn’t used and it gets into the game for Germany

It can only carry a maximum of 2 due to the weight of the Rockets. I already told you that.

but if is replaced to the other rockets “panzerblitzs” if im not wrong you told me that a FW is capable to carry 14 per wing

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In total 14, 7 on each wing

hypocrisy aside, I’m pretty sure the ho 229 and ar234 were built and flown

Thats the Fw190 “F”-8

A-8 has 4 Cannons, F-8 has 2 cannons but massive payload



I did not specify that it was the A8 that could carry that rocket load,I know that the F8 can carry 14 Panzerblizts 2 and a 1000kg Bomb

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sorry, quoted wrong guy

Although I would like them to add the other variant of the A8 which is The FW 190 A-8/R8 carrying 2 MG 131 Machine Guns, 4 MG 151 20mm Cannons, 2 MK 108 30mm Cannons and a Bomb of 500kg, I also mention it is a little faster and armored for destroy enemy bombers

all these are great…but 190 flight model needs work first haha


if ya’ll get the 262 we should get the P-80 and P-59.

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You get that so Germany should get this to be fair

do we have flight data from them?