Me 262 can kill the meta?

its fine and balanced overall. the plane was good for specialized ways of combat IRL, but is just an OK BR5 plane at best in the context of enlisted battles.

its anti ground capabilities arent even good enough to reliably kill BR4 tanks and a pure anti air plane with time fuses not implemented in the games is just a fun gimmick but not more.
the rocket version could be used to spam infantry on the ground effectively, but then youll get the biggest butthurt wave in the history of the game.

if you give it the autocannon configuration and an AP/HE mixed belt, it can become a high skill anti-everything plane, but only if the ammunition and damage models in general are free of bugs, which is sadly not the case for plane cannons in enlisted.

overall: a safe addition for the german tech tree (P47 still will be better)

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Aside from the base one there is 3 to 4 variant that makes sense for the game:

The Jabo version which is exactly the same as base one but with 2 bomb racks, it could carry 1x500kg or 2x250kg bomb

U1 version, instead of 4 MK108 uses 2 MK103, 2 MK108 and 2 MG151 if they give the 103 the APCR belt it could be used as a cannon ground pounder.

U4 version armed with a sole 50mm, this gun in terms of performance is, at least in WT, a copy of the Pak38 (same gun as the Puma or long Pz III)

A2a, technically a downgrade because it is the same as the Jabo version but with 2 cannons instead of 4, it makes sense for WT because it has lower BR but here it is kind of pointless? maybe for an event squad/premium

All they need to have is ww2 prototypes, deployment really doesn’t matter in Enlisted.

I know, I did hint at that in my post.
I would love to see the Me262 as a unique aircraft to Germany, but no matter how weak it gets implemented as, someone will surely whine about it than all factions would get some weird prototype jets :roll_eyes:

I know historical accuracy got defenestrated, but I would still prefer to see equipment that was actually used.

if you talking about R4m A2A rockets then the mk108s would outright be better than those rockets for CAS :joy:

This would be the sucky part I suppose. Brits and Germans used Jets, USA and Japan at least tested their own during WW 2, And I dont think Soviets even had Jets until they got a Me262 in spoils for being the Victor (I could be wrong about that. I Dont know much about the B1, except that it showed up in warthunder). Probably end up with an Su-9 or something

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They did


Learn something every day! nice info

Very hard to find anything substantial on that. First site I saw on google was literally “Sekrit Documents” lol and “never produced to be used”

Search it in Russian

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Oh…thanks for the read…I thought it was at least tested. But that second read said engines designed only as half sized mockup.

“Tested as Glider”.

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Still it’s the best we have man and about the engines it’s one of the main problems of Russian plane designing the design a plane for a engine that’s yet to be built and funny thing planned plane is made but still no engines
Though it’s not in WT so I am not hopeful that it will be added but none the less if devs decides to add jet plane this is it otherwise say hello to captured Me 262 anyhow Iirc Su 57 also had engine problems where engine was made way later than plane itself let me see if I can find the YouTube video

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well it not as bad as the Ho-ri case at least which i still dont know what the “truth” is since truth often lie

oh wait actually does it exist in warthunder at least? (that the real question i guess)

Yes. Warthunder is not immune from “paper/never completed vehicles”

It wouldn’t broke anything American, Japanese and russian has jet prototype as well, mostly it just add a sort of end point we’re ww2 stuff end an cold war stuff starts

It is thinkable that they will add the 262, the plane really would be a great counter for the mass rocket spam.


  • they will nerf it to death
  • they will give USSR one fantasy plane (that never saw action, oh hello T34-100) to counter it
  • US and GB planes still will be “miraculously” faster

oh they will be faster but it’s because jets need much more time to generate speed and it will loose a good amount in a turn

… didn’t know that those planes could reach 800+ km/h. Sekrit dokumints I guess.

you really think a 262 is going reach anything above 400 :joy:

Not in this game.

oh damn too bad we are talking about how it will be in this game