May have overdid it

Perhaps should expect more matches like these since they made conquest matches longer lol.


Farming german players is so relaxing nowadays.

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PC game controller players will not display the game controller?
Now I know what those low ranked PC players are.

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this is crossplay off, so only console players. think that controller sign next to them is for other consoles.
no sign is for same platform and bots iirc.

Isnt Crossplay Off showing stuff like PSN and XBox instead of the controller icon or does that apply to all settings for consoles?

it showed everything like that with crossplay on, but idk how it shows with crossplay off… i interpreted it like this from the screenshot above…

On xbox, the controller icon is for ps4 players. There is no controller symbol for xbox players however. Also if you look back to the replay, i believe it was a an 8v9 with no quit-outs.


Just needed 9 more… :sob:

I think you need to thank you for the 1 ~ 3 team members fighting with you. And other players who are in the same camp with you (build a resurrection point, provide APC, anti -armored, mark)

Not like me, need to be a nanny for bot and 0.5 players, and 9 deserters(many of them are not run away at the beginning)

Yeah you do bring up a point there. I thought i placed a rally that game and it turns out i forgot to :sweat_smile:. But yeah i do appreciate having my 2 friends there to help build them and to help me defend the objectives.

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Bro you were so close too :sob:

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PC doesn’t get any form of assist on controller so no one uses it
Console gets some pretty goofy ass assist

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Don’t underestimate those noble game controller players (sarcasm)
They will use controllers in all games that can use game controllers

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Punishing newbies and steam players for awhile it’s gonna fun.

The fact most of the enemy team beat you in Kills and score and still lost is wild, ngl.

Thank you sir for those kind words of encouragement.


Hey man, i gotcha :+1: