Maxim-Tokarev vs RD-44

which one is better?

AK with 100-round drum vs. carry-friendly Maxim…

AK everytime


Inexplicably, the RD-44 does more damage.

Doesn’t matter - both kill in two shots at regular combat distances.

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  • Lighter ( 7.4 kg ), use less stamina, more suited for run and gun playstyle
  • Less horizontal recoil
  • Faster ADS
  • Faster RoF
  • -20% sprint penalty


  • Heavy ( 15.5 kg ), consume a lot of stamina when sprinting
  • Higher damage per shot
  • High muzzle velocity ( 815 m/s, the same as a Sniper Mosin )
  • Higher horizontal recoil, require the use of the bipod to be effective
  • Slower RoF
  • -65% sprint penalty

RD-44 for run and gun, Maxim-Tokarev for locking down a street.


I dual carry them on my BRV machine gunners. The RD-44 in the first weapon slot, the Maxim in the second slot

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RD-44 but i like using Maxim more.

Actually a really good idea

Hol up. Someone other than me thinking dual carry is a good idea? I thought I was an outcast heretic for this opinion!


It does less damaged per round


Not at all.

With the Maxim, at medium distances, I cover the target with bursts and with luck the enemy dies.

With the RD44, with a few shots, the enemy dies.

We’re talking about a game, let’s be clear. In real life, the opposite would be true

It is not.
The only problem I have with it is that it seems pretty out of place for soldier to carry two MGs.

But gameplay-wise, it’s definitely not something that’s ineffective.

Oh yeah for MG’s I prefer ammo myself because 300 rounds of ammo make me happy. Although, I could DEFINITELY see an appeal to dual wielding BAR and M1919A6. Either for increased versatility or “backup weapon” or whatever. It’d be fun

RD-44 is better

RD-44 is WAY more controllable and that really makes up for its damage compared to the Tokarev