Max. Amount of RMN-50?

What is the maximum number of RMN 50 grenade launchers that can be purchased? I have 2, but I know that some gold weapons can be purchased more than once. Does this also apply to the RMN50?

Sad but only 2. Next Battlepass will be interested, then you can Buy 5 Erma Silencers +Special Skin and You have Your OWN Premium Squad in STALiNGRAD


I dont think erma can be good on medic, no ammopouch

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Do You read Something about Transfer? it is Possible? Friend ask me, i have choose the Mosin Nagant Sniper

Nope nothing maybe the next battlepass

I will certainly buy the set 4 more times to create such as squad.

But I don’t know in which campaign I should use it…

In Moscow: The Kiraly is way too fun to stop using

In Stalingrad: replacing ppsh and Kiraly? I don’t think so.

Tunisia: Might be an option here, but the terrain is so open smgs aren’t the best. Perhaps for city maps.

Berlin: it’s worthless here if you want to be even slightly competitive…

Normandy: already got Schmeiser and shower pipe erma smgs… I’m not replacing them and am too low lvl to have more assaulters squads here. I don’t like plane spam Normandy.

Aarh decisions decisions! That’s what happens when you accumulated too many gold weapons…

My Friend did Transfer his Silencers Erma from Stalingrad to Berlin cost8-9 Bronze, aaand after 1 Match i have a 43-0 only with Erma. Its not bad. I often see KI is Confused when i shot them. I Recognized this too with my BadDecision Mosin Nagant Sniper. The Attention-Time, Focus on You is lower.

This Corridors playing with Silencer is very smooth in Berlin.

I got it in Stalingrad on my Medic and its pretty fun gun there.

Meanwhile me with my Volkssturm Armee.


I got 2 Volkssturmsquads too, Best Way to play ENLiSTED, i always take Lebel and Panzerjäger.

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Yeah, love to destroy T-34 with Panzerfaust. And Lebel is great, love that rifle.

Only thing i would change is SMG squads uniforms, they dont really look like volkssturm.

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I really did not understand why they Removed the Signs on Uniforms. Seems the Volkssturmband on Arm, is the Last Surviver.
my Fav. Gun in Berlin are definitiv VG2 K98 and Lebel. That VG2 repetiert like a Airpellet Rifle, i love it

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Same, i love those last ditch German weapons. I even really like MP 3008, its much better than Sten Mk.II imo. EMP 44 is a beast. Im looking forward to VG 1-5, i know most people here hate it, but from what i used it when picked up, it will suit me.

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I hoped ENLiSTED goes the Slow Way, with Crap Guns… Bolt Action… Now are only a Hardcore Mode could make me Happy.
I love the Historys not the Statistics about Guns. 1 Shot 1 Kill, so the most Hated Gun would do their Job

I Skill my Assaulter always that they can have 2 Guns. Because 2 Guns or Large Ammopouch is the same Quantity of Bullets.
1 MP and that VG 1-5 as Semi Rifle is Awesome.

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I really hope they will change guns as they are in Stalingrad, at least bolt-actions soo they kill in one shot.

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