Both seemed like good ideas in the beginning but I always ended up handing a condom to my lawyer at Divorce Court because I knew I was going to get #$%^& in the beep.

Dear Gaijin,
The game is no fun anymore. It’s not even remotely fair to anyone even trying. There is just too much disparity between tiers.
Players are running around like they are Usain Bolt - on crack… with a fully automatic weapons. I get it… they have the power ups.
I have a suggestion! Let them PLAY with the OTHER people that have the same power ups.
Example: I was 90 meters from the (B) base and the other team was waiting for me when I arrived. That base was the furthest away from them and they got their FIRST?
I’m not here to be the sacrificial lamb being brought to slaughter. I think I have lost 8 matches in a row since last night.
Thank God this isn’t a dating site because your Matchmaking sucks!!!
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Borderline impossible, for a number of reasons
Two ex-wives?!
“The game is no fun anymore”. Is what they both said to you during the end, right?
On a more serious matter…
The game matchmaking is brutal at times.
When I first started I was clueless and didn’t understand the mayhem.
I live in usa but during certain times I will play on EU servers.
I would be matched with skilled players more often when I play on EU.
Try playing BR 3 for USSR, USA & GERMANY BR 2, and Japan does well BR 3-5.
I’m guessing you don’t have everything unlock. Tier 2 is okay but the risk of being match with skilless
players is high. Tier 3 gets paired with tier 5 often but the benefits of having players
that know what they’re doing is a plus.
Sadly, until they add more features ingame like lobby chat joining their Discord is the best option to find
players to have somewhat of an enjoyable experience.
DF cannot control players trying to play a level two match, but trying to use a level three weapon, which players need to understand can put them in a match against level four weapons, or level five if they happen to be playing Allies. Players need to be cognitive of what weapons they are deploying on their squads. Knowing this is the players responsibility.
As for DF, they need to shit can their soft rule and strictly go to their 1/1, but for ALL factions. And to be honest, Level five should be by itself, as no other level’s weapons are comparable. Yeah, you can get by playing some lower level weapons if your a decent player, but far to many players in the game are NOT decent players, and by dumping them into matches they are not ready for not only ruins their game, but everyone else who ends up on his team.
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Rant not a suggestion, topic closed