Matches Post Capture Equality

So, anyone else as excited as I am for some real challenges? Honestly I’m tired of just slaughtering empty Jap matches. Gimme some III-V Krauts again
How many good Normandy matches has everyone gotten since anyways?

You are being hyped literally for no reason. Nothing will change and have fun farming bots.

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A man can have hope, calm down

for me the game is near unplayable right now, capture rates are obnoxiously fast in general. which makes weaker teams harder to carry. It doesn’t help that Germans play defense most of the times.

They’ve been equalized. Everyone captures at the same time now. It takes significantly longer for the US to cap a point now

i know it has been equalized, which is why i said in general. 60 seconds for a point with cover and 30 second for without is insanely fast.

I would have to agree. I want longer matches in general as well. 40+ minute ones would be fantastic. Longer cap times and more tickets would be phenomenal

Haven’t noticed anything, still infinite stomps.

That’s cause the Krauts have no players. Once they get more players back it should be better

If you say so.

That’s…literally how balance in this game works

Then I guess this game is going underwater. There is only a few “groups” I’ve seen; I can’t imagine how it will be once I start seeing more. Anyways, meh thread, bye, bye.

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