Massive tank battles

Even before the update was live the first idea many people had was massive tank battles but it was shortlived since adding more tank slots for a team is not possible

BUT now that the mission editor is here, it’s possible to spawn drivable tanks and other vehicles

So the idea of massive tank battles is possible, you just need to spawn on the map a good quantity of tanks for each team in their spawn point, figure out a good open space for the battle to happen and remove or make the grey zone very big

And there you go, tank battles in Enlisted, it’s a guaranteed 10 v 10 on tanks with full players and AI squad included, lone fighters I’m not too sure it would work out since players would need to coordinate together to use the tank and good luck getting 50 dudes to play the Gamemode

I’m just throwing this here so that maybe it inspires someone to do tank battles as i sadly cannot mess with the mission mod since I’m a console peasant and even if i could that shit looks complicated as fuck tbh


I think it is even easier than that, there appears to be a way to change how many times a tank spawn point can be used. I haven’t played around with it too much, but if you just change that number and don’t add an tnfantry or aircraft spawn, then you can have tank only battles in theory. Should also work for planes.

Wait how do you access the map/mission editor? Where can I find it?

1 you need to be in PC

2 there’s a guide for that in the forum

Make a massive tank battle is not hard.
But the hard thing is How to set a victory condition.

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Hmm how about a simple ticket bleed ?

Hi, I have some ideas now. I will try it.

The conquest mode is most suitable for the tank battle. Because the manpower of the attacker and defender is not fair in the invasion mode.
And then We have to divide two teams in two the sides, make them could not touch each other. This is because infantry can easily destroy tanks in this game, and we must prevent players from using infantry.

We should put some tanks at the respawn point to let the infantry in. Because no one can bring three tank squads in their list. The respawn point must be concealed to prevent all the tanks we placed be destroyed.