Marder being BR3 is an insult

guess the devs are trolling us now, we will soon get a 20 round MG 42 at BR 5 I bet.


also - consider SU76 is already BR2 - it has the same gun.


Yep 100% true,made a suggestion petitioning to lower it’s BR and the StuGs,so hopefully they listen to community feedback like they promise they would.

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mmm probably the thing is the su 76 armor but i think that marder have a worse one so yep is unfair…

or even worse a soviet mg 42 with 250 rounds as a guerrilla weapon


Like what is the point of a worse penetating fragile TD when you can just use a IV J and get everything else for free ontop.
At leased the first mader should be BR 2 as it is worse in every aspect than even just a F2 with no redeeming features.
And the H version would be only be slightly better than the IV J gun but that is about it so BR 3 is still iffy.


DF have deep rooted disgust for German players and laughs behind their back and use them as paypigs.
Have you looked at German ppsh-41? It’s vastly inferior to the Soviet equivalent. They are doing that on purpose.

German (faster reload)

Soviet (higher DMG + lower recoil)


yep diffinetly is the most annoying troll movement against ge


I can use it only as amusing new and worse tank since i got a bit bored of double combo of Pz IV J + 4G/3N. One death against overpowered KV-1 will make me go back to my field tested and a bit boring combo.

DF have deep rooted disgust for Soviet players and laughs behind their back and use them as paypigs.
Have you looked at Soviet ppsh-41? It’s vastly inferior to the German equivalent. They are doing that on purpose. :rage: :rage: :rage:

German (faster reload + lighter)

Someone is blind, dmg and recoil are better on Soviet Obrez and they are the most important stats. So Soviet bias as always as i mentioned previously.


Someone is blind, ADS and reload are better on German Obrez and they are the most important stats. So German bias as always as i mentioned previously.

No one is blind, I even marked the difference with two color

But the performance is Significant different
87pen / 6.9s reload
Marder III:
138pen / 5.8s reload


I expect a lc08

The other marder

the other marder use pak40
Marder III H:
151pen / 6.8s reload

Keep in mind that the su 76m shoots at squisher targets (it never has to shoot at a heavy tank)

So relatively speaking they are on par…

Penetration only matters that it can pen. After that point, having more is moot. Once penetration happens ( :grin:)the HE filler does the rest…and the 76 has far more HE filler

Su 76 pens everything it sees so it may aswell be a marder…marder would be no different…they are “objectively” the same

Marder belongs at BR 2

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? Its the same gun of T34 and SU76 - why would it have more than 90 pen?

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*german engineering

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Just checked it out myself - they rechambered it for Panzer IV ammo…

didnt know that