Maps in squad gameplay vs custom battles?

Hi! Are the maps in squads gameplay and the ones in custom battles - lone wolf different? I played a very cool map in Lone wolf - custom battles yesterday and I havent seen it in squads. It wasnt a player made map I am sure but this really fits the game even better than the ones you get in squads. Cant remember the map name but it was on the side of a large river and there was a train track along the side. It was an awesome map and definately left an impression even though I was smeared on the streets brutally.

Edit: It was called “Lehrter Bahnhof West”, Invasion.

All the missions in the customs are possible to play in squads. Lehrter bahnhof is part of berlin which is locked for t5 soviets and germans. If your br is lower than 3-5 you cannot get that map in squads.

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Ah thank you. I have only br2 germans so thats why.

If you want to get in t5 maps you can always use an gold order to get t5 gun

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I some Cönders guns for gold orders and Tiger E but I am researching tk unlock the squad needed for it that comes with Panther. I want to research some more higher tier weapons before.